lt630 发表于 2015-1-17 12:35


【原文标题】AirAsia QZ8501: Indonesiaplane search resumes【中文标题】亚航QZ8501:亚航印度尼西亚航班搜寻记录【原文链接】【更新时间】13 January2015 Last updated at 10:43【正文】The search continues for AirAsia Indonesia flightQZ8501, a day after it went missing with 162 people on board, the BBC reported.BBC报道,当局将继续搜索于早前失踪的载有162名乘客的亚航印度尼西亚航班QZ8501。
"Based on our coordinateestimation, initial estimation is in the water," said Bambang Soelistyo, head of Indonesia'ssearch and rescue agency, speaking in Jakarta.印尼搜索和救援机构负责人Bambang Soelistyo在雅加达发表声明:“根据我们的坐标判断,初步估计飞机已跌落海底。”
However, no evidence has so far beenfound of the plane's whereabouts.但是,目前尚未有证据可以明确飞机的行踪。
Officials in Surabaya, fromwhere the plane took off, said search teams were only just reaching the area.飞机起飞弟泗水的当地官员称,搜索队刚刚到达该区域。
The Airbus A320-200 disappeared overthe Java Sea early on Sunday on a flight to Singapore.空客A320-200于周日飞往新加坡的途中消失在爪哇海。
The pilots had requested a coursechange due to bad weather but did not send any distress call before the planedisappeared from radar screens.由于恶劣的天气,飞行员曾要求改变飞机航向,但却在未发出任何求救电话的情况下便从雷达屏幕上消失了。
"Based on the coordinates given to us and evaluationthat the estimated crash position is in the sea, the hypothesis is the plane isat the bottom of the sea," Mr Soelistyo told a press conference.Soelistyo先生在新闻发布会上说:“根据坐标我们估计事故发生位置是在海上,也就是假设飞机沉入海底。”
"That's the preliminary suspicion and it can developbased on the evaluation of the result of our search," he said.“这只是初步的怀疑,我们可以根据搜索的结果来判断这一怀疑的可信度。”他说。
That search was largely suspended as night fell on Sunday.周日晚,搜索工作被迫暂停。
Although some ships continued the huntovernight, the main search planes and vessels, from several nations, onlyresumed at first light on Monday.尽管仍有部分船只在天黑以后依旧搜索作业,但大部分各国的搜索飞机与船只将于周一天亮后再恢复搜索工作。
Mr Soelistyo said Indonesia was providing 12 ships,three helicopters and five military aircraft.Soelistyo先生说印尼方提供了12艘船、3架直升机和5架军用飞机进行失事飞机的搜索。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-17 13:22

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