独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-17 23:40

【BBC 20150115】京港地铁乘客可免费阅读电子书

【原文标题】Beijing metro users access free e-books【中文标题】京港地铁乘客可免费阅读电子书【文章来源】BBC【原文链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-30830472
Finding something to read on the underground just got a bit easier in Beijing, where travellers can now access a free electronic library.在北京,在地铁上找点文字阅读变得更容易了,乘客可以免费浏览电子图书馆。
Carriages on Line 4 of the city's metro feature barcodes which people can scan with their tablets or smartphones, China's BTV News channel reports. They'll be able to choose from a selection of ten books, which will change every couple of months. The first books available are about historical Chinese texts. "I think we have found a great, effective and handy tool to make traditional culture popular," says Rong Jun, a spokesman from the city government, which is supporting the initiative along with the National Library.乘坐京港地铁四号线的乘客,可以用平板电脑或智能手机扫描车站内二维码免费在线阅读地铁图书馆内的馆藏图书。乘客在线阅读馆内的10本精选书籍,这些电子书每隔几个月换一次。目前第一批可供阅读的电子书与中国历史有关。北京政府官员荣军称:“我认为我们找到了一种很好、很有效、很方便的途径让传统文化流行起来。”这个项目得到了国家图书馆和北京市政府的联合支持。
Officials are hoping it will encourage people to read more, and passengers interviewed on the underground were pleased with the new resource. "It's pretty interesting," one man using the e-library tells the CCTV news channel. "You can gain an understanding of traditional Chinese culture - it's excellent." Another man tells the channel it will help keep people occupied during journeys. "Often you're sitting on the subway for a long time," he says. "Now you can scan a barcode and read a book. Even if you're just browsing for a while, that's pretty good." If readers get a taste for the books they find on their phones, they're in the right place to reach an even bigger selection; Line 4 has a dedicated stop for getting to the National Library in person.官员希望通过此举鼓励群众增加阅读量。受访的地铁乘客也对此举表示欢迎。一位使用电子图书馆的男乘客告诉央视记者称:“太有趣了。你可以借此增加对中国传统文化的了解。非常不错。”另一外受访者认为乘客在地铁里不会没事干了,他说:“一般都要在地铁里坐很久,但现在只要扫一扫二维码就可以阅读电子书了。就算是随便浏览一下也很不错。”如果读者对找到的书感兴趣,他们甚至可以找到更多的精选书籍。京港地铁四号线还专门在国家图书馆站设立主题车站,展示活动相关内容。
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