独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-17 23:44

【路透社 20150117】习近平祝贺朱立伦当选国民党主席

【原文标题】China’s Xi congratulates new chairman of Taiwan’s ruling party【中文标题】习近平祝贺朱立伦当选国民党主席【文章来源】Faith Hung & John Ruwitch【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/17/us-china-taiwan-politics-idUSKBN0KQ0HA20150117 朱立伦
(Reuters) - China's President Xi Jinping on Saturday welcomed the election of Eric Chu as chairman of Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang party, the Xinhua news agency reported, which quoted Xi saying he hoped Taiwan-China relations would continue to move forward.中国主席习近平周六对新当选的国民党主席朱立伦表示祝贺,并希望两岸关系进一步发展。
Taiwan and China have been at odds since the end of China's civil war when the Kuomintang fled to the island leaving the Communists running the mainland. But business ties across the Taiwan Straits have increased since China-friendly Ma Ying-jeou took power in 2008.自中国内战国民党败逃台湾后,共产党就一直掌权大陆,因此两岸关系一直不太和平。但由于亲共的国民党主席马英九2008年上任以来,经贸关系得到了迅速发展。
Xi hoped the two sides could work together to create a favorable situation for peaceful cross-strait relations and work against the common political basis for Taiwan independence, Xinhua quoted him as saying.习近平希望双方能够共同努力,为两岸和平关系创造良好环境,共同打击台独。
The two sides have always agreed upon "one China," which refers to the idea that there is only one state called China, even though there are two governments, one on the mainland and one in Taiwan. And Beijing would rather see the Kuomintang ruling the U.S-allied island than the pro-independence opposition party.两岸政府对坚持“一个中国”,即中国是一个独立主权国家,拥有两个政府,一个在大陆,另一个在台湾。中国政府愿意看到国民党执政,而非支持台独的民进党。
Chu, the only candidate, won almost all the 196,830 votes cast in the chairmanship vote, the Kuomintang said in a statement, without elaborating.据国民党在一份声明中称,朱立伦作为唯一的竞选者,获得了19万6830票中的大部分选票。
He inherits an unpopular party seen as favoring big business and the mainland at a time of growing scepticism about ties with Beijing. He will have to win back domestic support but also avoid alarming Beijing's leaders and damage burgeoning commercial ties.在国民党与共产党关系值得怀疑时,朱立伦接手了国民党主席的位置。亲大财阀亲大陆的国民党在台湾不太受欢迎。
He needs to improve the Kuomintang's image and convince young and middle-class voters in Taiwan that cross-strait ties do not just benefit the wealthy. If not, the party's candidate for the presidency, which could be Chu, could face defeat in an election next year when President Ma Ying-jeou steps down.刚上任的他需要提升国民党的形象,需要说服年轻选民以及中产阶级选民两岸关系不仅仅有利于富人阶级。如果说服失败,那么明年作为台湾总统选举国民党的候选人,他将面临失败。
Taiwan's opposition Democratic Progressive Party urged Chu to push for reform of his party, the DPP said in a statement.反对党民进党在一份声明中表示,要求朱立伦推进国民党的改革。
Chu, quoted by Xinhua, said he looked forward to creating a favorable climate for the future development of cross-strait relations.朱立伦称,他期望为未来的两岸关系创造一个有力的环境。
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