独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-17 23:45

【路透社 20150116】福建两例H7N9病例不治

【原文标题】Two die of H7N9 bird flu in China’s Fujian【中文标题】福建两例H7N9病例不治【文章来源】路透社【原文链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/17/us-health-birdflu-china-idUSKBN0KQ02I20150117

Two people in China's coastal Fujian province have died of H7N9 avian flu, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported, quoting local health officials.据新华社援述福建当地卫生部官员称,福建省2名感染H7N9病例不治。
The province had 15 confirmed cases of the strain so far this year, while Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces and Shanghai had also reported human cases of H7N9 this winter, Xinhua said.福建今年一共有15人感染H7N9,而江西、浙江和上海去年冬季同样相同病例。
It did not say when the two died.但两病例的死亡时间不明。
China has had a problem with bird flu for several years, and new infections tend to crop up in the winter months.近年来,禽流感在中国频繁出现,尤其是在冬季月份新的感染病例时常突然被发现。
The H7N9 virus passes between birds, but there is not enough evidence to prove that it passes between humans, according to the World Health Organisation.H7N9病毒一般在鸟类间传播,目前没有足够证据证明该病毒能人传人。
H7N9 first infected three people in China in March 2013. Since then, it has since infected more than 450 people, killing more than 170.2013年3月,中国检测出3人感染H7N9。从此,有超过450人被感染,其中超过170人因此逝世。
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