独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-18 23:51

【CNN 20150114】乌鲁木齐市禁止公共场所穿戴罩袍

【原文标题】China bans wearing burqa in biggest Muslim city【中文标题】乌鲁木齐市禁止公共场所穿戴罩袍【文章来源】Steven Jiang,CNN【文章链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/13/world/asia/china-burqa-ban/index.html 图为2014年8月2日,中国新疆乌鲁木齐市的一名头皮面纱的维族妇女在当地商场里购物。
Legislators in China's far-western Xinjiang province have passed a law to prohibit residents from wearing burqas in public, state media reported, in a continued campaign against what authorities view as religious extremism.据中国官方媒体报道,乌鲁木齐人大通过了一项新法,禁止在公众场所穿戴罩袍。报道解释称,此项法律是“出于减少公众场所遭受恐怖袭击的治安考虑。”
The new ban in Urumqi was approved by local legislators last month, and given the greenlight by the regional legislature at the weekend.乌鲁木齐上月通过了此项禁令,本周末将颁布实施。
The ordinance name suggests it targets outer garments covering someone's full body including the face, which is called a burqa in some Islamic traditions.从该法令名字可以看出,这项法令针对的是遮盖包括脸在内的全身的衣袍,这种被称作“布卡”的罩袍是一种具有穆斯林原教旨色彩的女性服装。
A spate of recent violent incidents has rocked Xinjiang, a resource-rich region long inhabited by the Turkic-speaking, largely Muslim Uyghurs.新疆是个资源丰富的地区,一直以来居住着说土耳其语的维族穆斯林。该地区最近频发暴力事件。
The arrival of waves of Han Chinese, the country's predominant ethnic group, over the past decades has fueled ethnic tensions.随着汉人进疆潮的发展,新疆地区的民族矛盾不断加剧。
Chinese officials have blamed the recent attacks on Uyghur separatists -- whom they also label "religious extremists" -- seeking to establish an independent state.中国官方指责维族分裂分子发动了最近的暴力袭击,他们通常被官方称为“极端宗教分子”,被认为“试图把新疆分裂出中国”。
Last August, another city in Xinjiang banned people wearing Islamic-style clothing and large beards from riding public buses during a provincial sporting event, according to state media.News reports at the time said Karamay city authorities targeted veils, large beards, as well as three types of Islamic dresses -- including those with the star and crescent symbol. Dozens of bus stations in the city were said to be manned by security personnel to conduct checks and report violators to the police.据悉,2014年8月,克拉玛依市在一项省运动会期间曾禁止蓄大胡须和穿穆斯林服装的人乘坐公交车。穿吉里巴甫服、蒙面纱、穿戴里切克或穿星月服的人士均不得乘坐公交车。市里许多公车站都设有安保人员,他们负责监察安全动态,一旦发现有可疑人员则通知警察。
While the measures in Karamay didn't openly single out Uyghurs, exiled Uyghur rights groups have condemned them, calling the ban a "green light" for racism and discrimination.尽管克拉玛依市的这项举措并没有指明针对的对象是维族人,流亡的维族人权组织指责这种规定是一种带有歧视色彩的种族主义行为。
Those restrictions came shortly after after authorities in Xinjiang banned students and civil servants from fasting during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.在此之前,新疆曾禁止学生和公务员在穆斯林斋月期间封斋。
Amnesty International has said Uyghurs face widespread discrimination in employment, housing and educational opportunities, as well as curtailed religious freedom and political marginalization.国际特设组织称,维族人面对的是在就业、住宅和教育机会上的歧视,以及宗教上自由的剥削和政治上的边缘化。
Other critics, including exiled Uyghur activists, have attributed the rise of violence in Xinjiang to Beijing's increasingly repressive rule there -- a claim the government vehemently denies.包括维族维权人士在内的许多批评家认为,新疆最近频发的暴力事件要归咎于中央政府对新疆的严压政策,中央政府对此表示强烈否认。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-19 00:00


阳太阳 发表于 2015-1-31 06:51

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