独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-18 23:52

【CNN 20150116】犬瘟热致中国大熊猫2死1病 中国积极防控

【原文标题】China battles virus that has killed two pandas and left third critical【中文标题】犬瘟热致中国大熊猫2死1病 中国积极防控【文章来源】Pemela Boykoff & Shen Lu,CNN【文章链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/16/world/china-panda-virus/index.html

A deadly virus has claimed the lives of two of China's beloved giant pandas and left a third in critical condition.中国两只大熊猫被一种致命病毒夺取生命,另有一只病重。
Chinese state media reported this week that veterinarians are using antiviral therapy to treat five-year-old Feng Feng, after medical tests showed serious damage to the panda's heart, liver, kidney and lungs.据中国央视报道,大熊猫“凤凤”经检测发现心脏、肝、肾和肺严重受损,目前动物园的兽医专家正使用抗病毒疗法对“凤凤”进行治疗。
Two other pandas -- Chengcheng and Dabao -- have passed away from the canine distemper virus since early December, according to Han Xueli, spokesperson at the Shaanxi Province Rare Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Research Center.从陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心韩学利主任获悉,另外两只大熊猫“城城”和“大宝”由于犬瘟热已于去年12月上旬死亡。
The virus is often fatal for pandas, killing up to 80% of those infected. The research center says it does not know how the infections occurred.犬瘟热对大熊猫几乎是致命的,感染后的大熊猫死亡几率达到80%。该研究中心称尚未清楚感染是因何而起。
Uphill battle
The caretakers face an uphill battle against the virus, since there often aren't adequate tools available when it comes to treating and preventing panda diseases.由于没有合适的方法预防和治疗这一疾病,熊猫饲养员面临一场对抗病毒的艰难战役。
"It's hard on giant pandas, because no companies or research institutions at home produce vaccines that are specially designed for giant pandas. In other words, we can hardly find a vaccine that can give effective protection," Jin Yipeng, associate professor of Veterinary Medicine at China Agriculture University told CCTV, China's state broadcaster.参与救治大熊猫的中国农业大学动物医学院副教授金艺鹏接受央视采访时说:“这对大熊猫来说太难熬了,国内没有任何公司或者研究机构是生产大熊猫疫苗的。这就意味着我们几乎找不到一种可以帮助大熊猫有效预防这种疾病的疫苗。”
The Shaanxi center said it's doing what it can to prevent the disease from spreading.研究中心称他们正在尽自己所能阻止该疾病的蔓延。
Chinese state media reported that panda breeding centers in neighboring Sichuan province have instituted emergency measures, including enhanced disinfection of panda enclosures and limits on public contact.据央视报道,四川省的熊猫繁殖中心已经制定了应急处置预案,与大熊猫相关的人员、用品和区域都严格按照消毒程序全面加强防控。
China has devoted considerable resources to saving the giant panda, an endangered species that is considered a national treasure.中国一直竭尽所能拯救被视为国宝的大熊猫。
Scientists have made headway in recent years getting the pandas to breed in captivity and a serious disease outbreak could undermine those efforts.科学家近年来在促进大熊猫繁殖方面取得了不少进步,但该致命疾病的爆发有可能影响到这番努力的成果。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-18 23:58

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