独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-18 23:53

【CNN 20150116】中国食品不安全 原因何在

【原文标题】Why Chinese food safety is so bad【中文标题】中国食品不安全 原因何在【文章来源】Katie Hunt,CNN【文章链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/16/world/china-food-safety/index.html
Almost half of Chinese food-processing plants fail to meet internationally acceptable standards, new figures suggest.新数据显示,几乎一半的中国食品加工厂达不到国际食品生产标准。
Quality control specialist AsiaInspection said 48% of the "several thousand" inspections, audits and tests it conducted in China last year failed to meet the requirements stipulated by some of its clients -- Western food trading companies and retailers.亚检质量检测有限公司去年在中国进行了几千个食品检测和测试,发现有48%的中国食品加工厂未能达到与西方食品贸易公司和零售商约定的标准。
"There are horror stories, obviously," Mathieu Labasse, AsiaInspection's vice president told CNN by phone. "We find factories that just have no basic idea about hygiene standards. People that handle the food, they have no gloves, nothing."该机构副主席Mathieu Labasse接受CNN电话采访时称:“当中有些可怕的事情,比如我们发现有些工厂根本没有卫生意识,接触食物的工人连手套也不戴。”
Labasse said there was a host of reasons for the failings. In some cases, laboratory tests found abnormal levels of pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals, bacteria or viruses that could put consumers at risk.Labasse称他们所生产的视频不符合标准的原因有很多。在有些食物中甚至发现超标的农药、抗菌素、重金属和细菌或病毒,这些让消费者承受很大的健康风险。
Other transgressions included mislabeling packaging, abnormal coloring and odors, bruising and, in the case of seafood, adding water to make the fish appear to weigh more than it does.包装标签错贴、食品颜色和气味一场、食品损坏,以及一些海产品冲水加重等因素也是不符合规定的。
China has experienced a string of stomach-churning food scandals in recent years.近年来中国发生了一系列令人反胃的食品臭味。
The most high-profile recent case involved a U.S.-owned meat factory operating in China that was accused of selling out-of-date and tainted meat to clients including McDonald's, Starbucks, KFC and Pizza Hut chains.其中关注度最高的就是美国肉类供应商的中国分部被指向包括麦当劳、星巴克、肯德基和必胜客等出售过期肉。
"We see awareness growing but we don't see on the ground a concrete improvement yet -- it will come," Labasse said.Labasse说:“我们看到人们的对于生产标准的意识在提高,但我们目前并没有发现实质性的进步。”
Labasse said the extremely fragmented nature of China's food chain -- the country has 500,000 food production and processing companies, 70% of which have fewer than 10 employees -- made it very difficult for authorities to control and foreign buyers to understand.“整个国家拥有50万个食品生产和加工企业,其中70%的公司雇员不到10人。因此我们可以看出中国食品产业的分化性,这让监管部门很难监管,外国采购者也很难理解。”
"Companies like McDonald's or KFC are dealing with their suppliers at arm's length. So they know well the people they communicate with on a daily basis but they don't know what's going on behind the scenes," said Labasse.“麦当劳和肯德基这样的公司在和供应商打交道时保持着一定的距离。他们了解每天所接触的人,但他们并不知道背后真正发生什么事。”
"The buyers are focusing their efforts on the people they signed a contract with but they should take the extra step and take control of the full supply chain and going as far as the third or fourth level of suppliers. "采购商把重心放在最终签署合同的一级供应商,但同时他们也应该多做一些努力,严格把控整条供应链,深入三四级供应商。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-19 00:12

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