独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-19 23:49

【CNN 20150116】中国将建世界最长高铁

【原文标题】Record breaker: China’s incredible north-south high-speed train line plan【中文标题】中国将建世界最长高铁【文章来源】Virginia Lau,CNN【原文链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/08/travel/china-high-speed-north-south-rail/index.html 中国拥有世界最大的高铁网络,包括长达2298千米的京广高铁。
Chinese railway experts have begun talks on building a record-breaking high-speed rail that would connect Inner Mongolia in the north to Hainan in the south.中国铁路专家近日就连接内蒙古与海南的高铁事宜展开讨论。这条铁路将成为世界上最长的铁路。
According to the Shaanxi Development and Reform Commission, the proposed line will operate at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour (217 mph).据陕西发改委称,该项高铁设计时速达到每小时350千米。
Beginning in Inner Mongolia's Baotou city and running through southern Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong, its final stop would be in Haikou city on Hainan Island, China's southernmost province.起点设在内蒙古包头市,途径山西、湖北、湖南、广西和广东,最终到达海南省海口市。
Though the exact length of the proposed route has not been released, it will likely become the world's longest high-speed rail line -- smashing a record already held by China -- as the journey by road between Baotou and Haikou is approximately 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles) long.尽管提议路线的具体长度尚未公布,这条高铁很有可能将成为世界上最长的高铁。
Currently, the world's longest high-speed rail line is almost 2,300 kilometers long (1,429 miles), running from Beijing to the southern metropolis of Guangzhou.目前,世界上最长的铁路是北京到广州的京广高铁,长度约2300千米。
The proposed rail is part of China's aim to create a "Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century" and coincides with initiatives to improve the country's comprehensive transportation network while driving land development and urbanization in seven provincial areas.这条铁路是中国创建“21世纪海上丝绸之路”目标的一部分,也符合了在推动七省陆路交通发展、城镇化建设的同时、提高国家综合交通网运输能力的计划。
Many of the provinces through which the high-speed trains will travel are near major bodies of water, such as the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi provinces, the Yangtze River in Hubei and the South China Sea, where the line would end.这条高铁途径的许多省份都靠近河海湖泊,比如内蒙古和山西的黄河,湖北的长江以及终点所在的南海。
It will also take passengers to popular tourist destinations including Zhangjiajie, Xian, Guilin and minority areas in western Hunan and Hubei.它同时会将乘客带到著名旅游景点,比如张家界、西安、桂林以及湘赣西部一些少数民族聚居地。
"The country is now shifting its focus and investing in the western regions and economically underdeveloped areas, making up for China's long debt to these areas," Tan Yuzhi, professor of the School of Economics and Management at Hubei University for Nationalities, told local media."The project will significantly narrow regional disparities and solve minority issues."湖北民族学院经济与管理学院教授谭宇指出,现在国家把投资的重点逐渐转向西部地区、经济欠发达地区。西部地区加快高铁建设,既有利于解决该地欠发达的问题,同时也有利于缩小地区差异和解决少数民族问题。
However, Deng Hongbing, director of China University of Geosciences' Center for Regional Economic and Investment Center, said that if the north-to-south railway is to go ahead, there needs to be a sound ecological program in place to ensure the protection of these underdeveloped and ecologically sensitive areas.中国地质大学区域经济与投资环境研究中心的邓宏兵主任称,包头到海口这条南北高铁要建设的话,其沿线地区主要是欠发达和生态脆弱的地区,建议各地做好规划,主要发展生态和健康产业。
Officials say the line will connect with existing high-speed routes such as Xuzhou-Lanzhou, Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu, Shanghai-Kunming and Guiyang-Guangzhou.官员称这条高铁建成后,将连接现有的徐州-兰州高铁、沪汉蓉高铁、沪昆、以及贵广高铁。
Proposal participants say they will push for the train project to be included in China's 13th five-year national development plan (2016-2020).目前沿线各省区就项目达成共识,努力是该项目纳入国家“十三五”规划并尽快启动实施。

太好123 发表于 2015-1-20 04:22

易八泰 发表于 2015-1-20 07:34


爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-20 07:49

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