独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-19 23:50

【路透社 20150119】腾讯就“微信civil rights”失误道歉

【原文标题】China’s Tencent apologizes for ‘civil rights’ blunder【中文标题】腾讯就“微信civil rights”失误道歉【文章来源】路透社【原文链接】http://news.yahoo.com/chinas-tencent-apologizes-civil-rights-blunder-113452964--finance.html;_ylt=AwrTWVXFFL1UW14Ag6fQtDMD
Chinese internet heavyweight Tencent Holdings Ltd apologized on Monday for rewarding WeChat app users who sent a message with the English phrase "civil rights" with a screen full of fluttering U.S. Flags.中国互联网重量级公司腾讯公司周一对外宣布,微信上发送“civil rights”字样的信息手机屏幕就出现美国国旗飘落的动画是后台设置有误,公司对此感到抱歉。
The animation was intended to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States, and was only meant to be available to WeChat users in that country, wrote Tencent's WeChat team on their official microblog. 微信其在官方微博上称:“这则动画原先是只有美国微信用户可以使用,用来纪念美国马丁路德金日。”
A technical error allowed users elsewhere to see the U.S. flags on their screen, including in China. The function now longer works in Hong Kong and China, according to users.由于后台操作失误导致全世界的微信用户输入“civil right”时都会飘落美国国旗,中国也不例外。据香港和中国大陆的微信用户反应,这个功能现在已经无法使用了。
China, often criticized for its human rights violations, operates the world's most sophisticated internet censorship mechanism, known as the Great Firewall. Censors maintain a tight grip on what can and can't be published online, especially anything seen to undermine the ruling Communist Party.一直被批人权状况差的中国政府拥有世界上最复杂的网络审查制度,即防火墙。审查制度对网络内容严格限制,尤其是对中国共产党不利的言论。
"We request everybody's forgiveness," Tencent said in its post, titled 'An explanation'. "WeChat's path to internationalization isn't easy... We will try even harder!"腾讯在博文解释称:“我们希望得到每个人的原谅。微信的国际化道路并不平坦……我们将更加努力!”
The 'civil rights' function caused some outrage amongst Chinese internet users."If there's a function for Martin Luther King's birthday, what are you going to do for Mao Zedong's and Zhou Enlai's?" wrote one microblog user. "Rubbish WeChat."微信“civil rights”功能激起了一些中国网民的情绪。其中一名微博用户称:“如果马丁路德金日就会飘落美国国旗,那么毛泽东和周恩来呢?废物微信!”
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