独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-19 23:52

【法新社 20150119】佩兰呼吁亚洲杯上使用球门线技术

【原文标题】China boss calls for goal-line technology in Asian Cup【中文标题】佩兰呼吁亚洲杯上使用球门线技术【文章来源】法新社【原文链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-boss-calls-goal-line-technology-asian-cup-132724402--sow.html;_ylt=AwrSyCPrCr1Uy3cAK5nQtDMD
China coach Alain Perrin called for goal-line technology to be introduced to the Asian Cup after his side had an apparent goal disallowed against North Korea on Sunday.在周日的亚洲杯中国对朝鲜比赛中,中国队的一粒进球被判无效,对此中国队主教练佩兰表示,希望球门线技术能够引进亚洲杯。
On the stroke of half-time, with China 2-0 up, midfielder Yu Hai played a delicate chip over North Korean goalkeeper Ri Myong-Guk that appeared set for the back of the net.But defender Jon Kwang-Ik scrambled back and headed it away. Slow-motion television replays were not conclusive but appeared to show the ball cross the line.比赛第45分钟,中场球员于海转身一脚挑射越过朝鲜门将李明国,被后卫在门线上头球解围,慢动作回放显示足球越过了球门。
"We have the benefit of this advanced technology and I hope it comes to the Asian Cup like it is at the World Cup," Perrin told reporters after China's 2-1 win.比赛最终比分为中国2:1朝鲜,佩兰接受记者采访时表示:“从这项高科技在世界杯上已经用过了,我们希望亚洲杯上也能用。”
"It is very helpful for referees and if in the future we can have this technology at the Asian Cup it would be very good."“对裁判的判决很有帮助。如果未来能用在亚洲杯上就好了。”
Goal-line technology was used for the first time at the World Cup last summer in Brazil and features in England's Premier League.去年夏天的巴西世界杯上用到了这项技术,英超联赛目前也在使用。”
Last month Germany's top-flight voted to introduce the camera-based Hawk-Eye system, which notifies the referee if the ball has crossed the goal-line, for the 2015/16 season.上月,德甲联赛投票通过将在2015-2016赛季引进门线鹰眼系统,这将辅助裁判判定足球是否越过球门线。
China made it three victories from three matches with Sunday's win over North Korea in Canberra. Midfielder Sun Ke scored both goals with Chinese striker Gao Lin contributing an own goal.中国队战胜朝鲜,取得了小组赛三战全胜。在本场比赛中,中场球员孙可独中两元,前锋郜林一个乌龙球为对手送上一分。
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