独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-20 22:25

【BBC 20150119】广西凭祥警方击毙两名新疆维族偷渡者

【原文标题】China police ‘shoot two Uighurs trying to enter Vietnam【中文标题】广西凭祥警方击毙两名新疆维族偷渡者【文章来源】BBC【文章链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-30875969
Police in China have shot dead two Uighurs who were among a group trying to illegally cross into Vietnam, state media say.The incident happened at the border town of Pingxiang in Guanxi province on Sunday night.Officials are searching for one man who escaped, the reports say.据中国媒体报道,几名偷渡的新疆维族人与广西凭祥警方发生冲突,其中两名维族人被击毙,目前当地警方正在全程搜捕另一名逃脱者。
Authorities have blamed recent terror attacks on Uighur separatists. Activists say the Turkic Muslim minority has been repressed.中国官方谴责新疆维族分裂分子发动了最近新疆的恐怖袭击事件。维权人士称新疆维族人一直以来被政府镇压。
Sunday's shooting comes after recent reports of other attempts made by Uighurs, who are Chinese nationals who mostly live in the far western region of Xinjiang, to cross from China into neighbouring countries.此次两名新疆维族人偷渡越南被击毙一事发生在周日晚上,此前在新疆曾发生多起暴力袭击事件。
State-owned news agency China News Service reported that an unspecified number of Uighurs from Xinjiang had got into "conflict" with police near an expressway tollbooth at around 20:00 on Sunday (12:00 GMT).据中国新闻社报道,该事件发生在周日晚8点,数名新疆维族人与当地警方在一高速路收费站附近发生冲突。
The outlets quoted authorities as saying they used two cars to box in the Uighurs' vehicle and that the suspects subsequently "violently resisted arrest".根据当地警方的描述,警方两辆汽车将头偷渡者包围,随后对方暴力拒捕。
Two were shot dead while another fled into a nearby residential area.警方最终击毙其中两人,而一人逃往附近居民生活区。
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