独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-20 22:26

【路透社 20150120】2014年中国单位GDP能耗下降4.8%

【原文标题】China cuts energy intensity by 4.8% pct in 2014【中文标题】2014年中国单位GDP能耗下降4.8%【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/20/china-energy-idUSL4N0UZ1QJ20150120

China beat a key energy efficiency target in 2014, cutting its energy intensity by 4.8 percent from a year earlier, the State Council said on Tuesday, as it tries to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.中国国务院周二对外宣布,2014年单位GDP能耗比上年下降4.8%,达到了预期目标。
The government had aimed for a 3.9 percent cut in energy intensity after a 3.7 percent drop in 2013 in order to meet its target of cutting energy intensity to 16 percent below 2010 levels by 2015.2013年中国单位GDP能耗同比下降3.7%,为了进一步节能减排,中国把2014年的目标定为3.9%。
Energy intensity is a measure of the amount of energy needed to increase GDP, and high levels of energy intensity indicate a high cost of converting energy into GDP.单位GDP能耗说明一个国家经济活动中对能源的利用程度,因此高能耗意味着需要消耗更多的能量来达到一定的GDP。
China aims to lower the efficiency measure by relying less on energy-intensive manufacturing, mostly powered by coal, which is causing massive health problems and has made China the world's biggest emitter of climate-changing greenhouse gases.中国希望通过减少对能源密集型工业的依赖来降低能耗,因为能源密集型工业主要依靠煤为能量,而煤的使用又会产生许多健康问题。煤的使用也是导致中国成为世界上温室气体排放量最大国的主要原因。
The drop in energy intensity came as China announced its GDP growth in 2014 fell to 7.4 percent, its lowest level since 1990.中国先后公布了2014年GDP增速7.4%(24年来最低)和单位GDP能耗下降4.8%等数据。
Power output last year rose by 3.2 percent, the slowest growth rate since 1998.电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应增长3.2%,是1998年以来增速最慢的一年。
According to the China Coal Industry Association, coal consumption in the first 11 months of 2014 fell 2.1 percent compared with the same period in 2013.根据中国煤炭工业协会发布的数据显示,2014年1月至11月煤炭消耗同比下跌2.1%。
The National Energy Administration on Friday last week reported a drop in power sector investment last year, including a 21.5 percent decrease in hydro, 6.3 percent in thermal power and 13.8 percent in nuclear.上周五中国能源局发布的一份报告指出,电源基本投资完成额下降,其中水电下降21.5%,火电下降6.3%,核电下降13.8%。
The National Development and Reform Commission said last month China over the past four years had cut outdated production capacity of 570 million tonnes of cement and 75 million tonnes of steel, in a campaign to shut down the nation's dirtiest facilities.中国国家发改委去年12月曾发布消息称,中国在“十二五”期间预计淘汰水泥和炼钢落后产能分别达到5.7亿吨和7500万吨。

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