独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-20 22:27

【CNN 20150119】中国考虑建立飞机乘客“黑名单”

【原文标题】China considers air rage ‘no fly list’【中文标题】中国考虑建立飞机乘客“黑名单”【文章来源】CNN【文章链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/19/travel/china-air-rage/index.html
Passengers who misbehave on commercial flights in China could soon find themselves grounded.不久之后,中国飞机航班上行为不当的乘客有可能被列入黑名单禁止飞行。
After several highly publicized and embarrassing incidents of air rage, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said last week it is considering steps to blacklist offending passengers, according to state media.继一系列“空闹”事件后,中国民航局上周对外宣布,考虑将建立全国统一的“黑名单”。
No final decision has been made on the proposed "no fly list" but it could lead to legal punishments.虽然“黑名单”尚未确定是否将最终建立,但对于制造“空闹”的乘客将有可能面临一定的惩罚。
From hurling hot water at a flight attendant to fights over crying babies, outbursts by Chinese passengers have disrupted several flights in recent weeks -- both in China and further afield.从“向空姐泼热水”事件到“小孩哭闹引起家长打架”事件,中国飞机乘客近几周在国内外航班里制造了数起“空闹”。
In one of the most recent episodes, a flight departing a city in southwestern China was canceled after irate passengers opened three emergency exits following a seven-hour delay.其中从中国西南某城市出发的航班里,旅客因不满航班延误7小时,愤怒地打开飞机紧急出口从而导致航班被迫取消。
James Fallows, aviation expert, journalist, and author of "China Airborne", says the flurry of angry episodes reveals growing pains in China's airline industry.航空专家、记者、China Airborne作者James Fallows称,近来中国发生的“空闹”时间反映出中国航空业越来越多的问题。
Many newly prosperous travelers have never experienced the kind of travel headaches long familiar to the rest of us, he adds.他提到,有许多生活变好的人选择用飞机出行,但他们没有我们那样熟知关于飞行前后可能遇到的问题。
"It's a nation of first-generation air travelers," Fallows said.他认为这是中国有能力坐飞机出行的第一代人。
"All of the indoctrination and beating down the rest of us have had now for decades about how you have to behave in airports and airliners is coming as a new experience to a lot of people in China."“我们已经用了几十年时间接受了关于在机场和客机里的规范行为的教育,现在才刚刚在中国开始。”
Chronic delays航班经常延误
Chinese travelers also have to grapple with chronic delays in the country's busiest air hubs.中国的飞机乘客同样需要应对国内航班的经常性延误。
Fallows blames much of the misery on the Chinese military, which controls the vast majority of the country's increasingly crowded airspace.Fallows认为问题的根源在于中国军方,因为中国军方控制着大部分本已日益拥挤的领空。
Aviation authorities have opened new commercial flight routes in recent years in an effort to improve China's abysmal on-time performance record and the government has approved a second international airport in Beijing to ease the congestion -- but these steps will take time to take effect.为了降低飞机航班的误点率,中国近年来开设了新的民用航班线路,而为了缓解交通压力,中国政府通过了在北京建设第二个国际机场的提案。但这些举措都需要时间来生效。
Fallows says Chinese culture also plays a role in the behavior of certain Chinese air travelers.Fallows说,一些中国飞机乘客的行为深受中国文化的影响。
"It's perhaps the most individualistic country I've ever been in. It's every person for himself or herself," he says.他说:“中国可能是我去过的最具个人主义的国家。每个人都很现实。”
"We're seeing a lesson about how the people in China feel they have to behave."“未来我们将看到的是中国人如何对自身行为进行反思。”
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