独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-20 23:29


【原文标题】China protests over Japan’s comments on border dispute with India【中文标题】中国对日本有关中印领土问题的言论提出抗议【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-protests-over-japans-comments-border-dispute-india-105627440.html
China on Monday lodged a protest with Tokyo after Japanese media quoted Japan's foreign minister as saying that a disputed border region between China and India belonged to India, in the latest source of friction between the two Asian rivals.中国外交部周一就日本外相岸田文雄周六在印度访问期间一次正式场合上称中印边境争议区域属于印度的言论提出抗议。
Japan's foreign ministry played down the issue, saying it could not confirm Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida's reported remarks. It added that it hoped India and China could resolve their dispute peacefully.日本政府则对此事轻描淡写,称无法确认日本外相岸田文雄言论的真正意图,同时称希望中印双方能够和平解决争端。
Tensions between China and Japan have risen in recent years, fueled by a row over a chain of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea. Their relations have long been poisoned by what China sees as Japan's failure to atone for its occupation of parts of China before and during World War Two.中日矛盾近年来不断升级,一方面中国认为日本在二战前和二战期间在中国犯下的罪行却没有承担相应责任,另一方面双方在东海存在一些争议岛屿。
Japan's Sankei Shimbun, a conservative daily, quoted Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida as saying in New Delhi on Saturday that Arunachal Pradesh that lies on the contested border was "India's territory".日本一份保守日报《财经新闻》援引日本外相周六在印度的发言称,阿鲁纳恰尔邦(中称“藏南地区”)这一争议区域属于印度。
China disputes the entire territory of Arunachal Pradesh, calling it south Tibet, especially Tawang, a key site for Tibetan Buddhism. The historic town briefly fell into Chinese hands during their 1962 war before Beijing retreated.中国对此提出抗议,称“藏南地区”是中国领土,尤其达旺地区是中国西藏民众心中的一块圣地。在中国军队从达旺撤军之前,1962年的中印战争达旺曾落入中国手中。
Kishida's reported remarks drew an angry response from China, which called on Tokyo to "understand the sensitivity of the Sino-India boundary issue".中国对日本外相被报道的言论表示愤怒,称日本应该理解中印边界问题的敏感性。
"(We) have lodged solemn representations with Japan and have asked Japan to make clarifications and immediately eliminate the negative effects that have resulted from this," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing.中国外交部发言人洪磊在例行记者会上称:“中方向日方提出严正的声明,日方应当立即对此作出澄清,并消除这一不当言论的负面影响。”
Hong said that Japan has told China "it will not intervene" in the border dispute.他还说:“日本曾说过“不干预”中印边界问题。”
A Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman said "the statement was made considering the reality that Arunachal Pradesh state is basically in reality controlled by India and that China and India are continuing negotiations over the border dispute".日本外交部一名发言人称:“日本外相的言论是基于阿鲁纳恰尔邦实际上又印度掌控以及中印双方正在就此争议地区沟通协商的事实而发表的。”
"Japan hopes that the dispute will be peacefully resolved by negotiations between the two countries," he said, adding he could not confirm Kishida's remarks which were made during a Q&A session.他说:“日本希望中印双方能和平解决这一争端。”同时他表示无法确认日本外相在印度记者问答会上的这番发言真正用意。
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