独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-21 22:07

【华尔街日报 20150120】苹果手机亚洲市场销售份额上涨

【原文标题】Apple’s Smartphone Sales in Asian Markets Soar 【中文标题】苹果手机亚洲市场销售份额上涨【文章来源】华尔街日报【文章链接】http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/01/20/apples-smartphone-sales-in-asian-markets-soar-counterpoint/

Apple’s share of smartphone sales in critical Asian markets has soared since the company introduced new handsets with larger screens last September, and the U.S. company is now challenging Samsung Electronics of South Korea on its home turf, according to a report Wednesday from Counterpoint Research.据调研机构Counterpoint Research数据显示,去年九月苹果公司发布iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus以来,苹果手机在关键的亚洲市场份额上涨。在韩国,苹果正在挑战三星的霸主地位。
Apple showed big gains in Japan, China and South Korea, with the most striking increase coming in Samsung’s domestic market, where that company used to have an unassailable position. In November, Apple’s market share in that country soared to 33% from less than 15% before the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were introduced, Counterpoint said. Apple passed another South Korean brand, LG Electronics, with a 14%share, to move into the No. 2 position behind Samsung, whose share fell to 46%. Until November, Samsung’s share was hovering at around 60%.苹果手机在日本、中国和韩国市场份额大涨,其中在三星统治的韩国市场涨幅最大。据Counterpoint称,苹果去年十一月在韩国的市场份额从新手机发布前的15%攀升到33%。同时苹果超越了LG的14%成为韩国销量排名第二的手机品牌,而三星则从60%跌至46%。
The new, larger phones were expected to do especially well in Asia, where many consumers have long seen smartphones, rather than PCs, as their primary communications tool. Samsung was a pioneer in the development of so-called phablets—a cross between smartphones and tablets—and South Korea has been one of the biggest markets for these devices.在智能手机而非电脑作为首选通讯工具的亚洲,iPhone6和iPhone 6 Plus被预期销量不凡。三星是所谓的“平板手机”研发(介于手机和平板电脑之间)的先锋,同时韩国一直以来也是平板手机需求最大的市场之一。
“No foreign brand has gone beyond the 20% market share mark in the history of Korea’s smartphone industry,” said Tom Kang, research director for mobile devices at Counterpoint. “It has always been dominated by the global smartphone leader, Samsung. But iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have made a difference here, denting the competition’s phablet sales.”Counterpoint移动设备研究主任Tom Kang说:“在韩国智能手机产业历史上没有任何一个外国品牌能在韩国市场占据超过20%的份额。三星长期是韩国手机市场的霸主。但这次iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus大有不同,它们夺去了了三星一部分市场份额。”
Apple also surged in Japan, long one of its strongest markets. The company’s share rose to 51% in November from the mid-teens prior to the introduction of the new phones. That put Apple well ahead of Sony, the No. 2 provider, with a 17% share in November.苹果手机在日本销量一向强势,这次也不例外。去年11月,苹果在日本的份额从百分之十几跃升到51%,这使得苹果远远超过第二名索尼的17%。
In China, Apple faces a tougher fight, but its 12% share in November was enough for third place, behind Xiaomi, with 18%, and Lenovo, with 13%. Samsung, long the leader in China, fell all the way to fourth place, with a 9% share. Despite Apple’s modest share, iPhone sales in the same month China grew 45% from a year earlier, Counterpoint said.在中国,苹果的竞争则比较艰难,但是去年11月苹果以12%的市场份额在中国取得了销量第三的成绩,第一名的小米市场份额达到18%,第二名的联想市场份额则为13%。而三星作为过去中国市场的销量领导者已经跌倒了第四名,市场份额为9%。Counterpoint称,尽管苹果手机在中国市场份额不大,苹果手机销量较去年同期上升了45%。
Samsung said this month that its operating profit for the last three months of 2014 probably fell about 37% from a year earlier, the fifth straight quarter of declines, though analysts said there were signs that the free-fall in the company’s smartphone business was slowing.三星去年12月宣布其在2014年10月至12月期间利润预计同比下跌37%,这是可能导致该公司业绩连续五季度下滑。但据分析家指出,数据显示三星手机业绩下滑的幅度在缩小。
Apple wasn’t immediately available for comment.Samsung declined to comment.苹果方面暂时无法做出评论,三星则拒绝评论。
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