独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-22 20:54

【外媒 20150122】广东展开专项行动打击非法代孕

【原文标题】Guangdong to crack down on illegal surrogacy【中文标题】广东展开专项行动打击非法代孕【文章来源】AsiaOne【文章链接】http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/guangdong-crack-down-illegal-surrogacy
A year-long campaign against underground surrogacy is launched on Monday by the government of Guangdong province after the activity was exposed by China Central Television (CCTV), Guangzhou Daily reported.据《广州日报》报道,广东政府本周一正式展开持续一年的打击非法代孕专项整治活动。此前中国中央电视台曾报道了发生在广东的非法代孕活动。
Anyone involved in operating an illegal surrogacy business will be prosecuted, the government said.广东政府称,所有非法代孕活动的参与者都将收受到法律惩罚。
The campaign will crack down on individuals or third parties organising surrogacy and shut down websites releasing information about surrogacy or egg trading.这项行动将打击组织非法代孕业务的个人或第三方,以及发布代孕或卵子交易相关信息的网站。
The government also will investigate unauthorized medical procedures involving reproduction.政府也会对包括非法生产在内的非法行医展开调查。
An investigation by state broadcaster CCTV found surrogacy agencies in Beijing, Wuhan and Guangzhou that help their clients find eggs, surrogate mothers and unlicensed clinics.中央电视台记者在北京、武汉、广州调查发现非法代孕机构主要负责客户寻找卵子、代孕母亲和地下诊所。
Some egg providers are students from universities or even high schools.China's health authority banned surrogacy and trade in sperm, eggs and embryos from 2001, but weak enforcement has undermined the move.部分卵子提供者是大学生或甚至是高中生。中国卫生部门在2001年就规定禁止代孕行为以及精子、卵子和胚胎等交易。但由于执法力度欠缺,该项禁令并没有收到太大成效。
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