独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-23 15:36


【原文标题】HSBC China factory index weak for second month【中文标题】中国制造业汇丰PMI初值连续两月低于荣枯线【文章来源】美联社【文章链接】http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?id=56505
A report says that China's manufacturing activity shrank for a second month in January, further evidence of the gradual slowing in the world's second-biggest economy.
HSBC's preliminary purchasing managers' index ticked up to 49.8 in January from 49.6 in December. 汇丰公布中国1月制造业PMI为49.8%,高于去年12月的49.6%,这表明作为全球第二大经济体的中国经济增速将进一步放缓。
The index uses a 100-point scale on which a reading over 50 indicates expansion.
PMI(Purchasing Managers’ Index)指数中文为采购经理指数,PMI指数50为荣枯分水线,当PMI大于50时,说明经济在发展。

The report comes days after official data showed the economy expanded 7.4 percent last year, the slowest pace since 1990. 此前,中国曾公布一组数据,数据显示2014年中国经济增速为7.4%,创下1990年以来的新低。
The growth rate slipped from 7.7 percent the year before and signals increasing headwinds for the global economy. 从2013年的7.7%到2014年7.4%,中国经济增速进一步放缓意味着全球经济面临更大的挑战。
HSBC economists said the latest data suggest the "manufacturing slowdown is still ongoing amid weak domestic demand'' and that more easing measures will be needed in coming months.汇丰银行经济学家称,从汇丰PMI指数可以知道,在国内市场需求疲软的情况下制造业依然继续放缓,未来几个月需要出台更多的量化宽松政策。
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查看完整版本: 【美联社20150123】中国制造业汇丰PMI初值连续两月低于荣枯线