独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-23 15:37

【美国之音 20150122】韩国公司呼吁结束对朝鲜的贸易禁令

【原文标题】S. Korean Businesses Want to End Trade Restrictions With North【中文标题】韩国公司呼吁结束对朝鲜的贸易禁令【文章来源】美国之音【原文链接】 http://www.voanews.com/content/south-korean-businesses-end-trade-restrictions-with-north/2610185.html
Business leaders in South Korea are calling for President Park Geun-hye to ease trade restrictions with North Korea that were put in place in 2010 after the sinking of a South Korean warship.韩国商业领袖呼吁韩国总统朴槿惠放松2010年以来对朝鲜实施的贸易限制。
Expanding trade and investment, they say, is good not only for business but also for long-term regional peace and security.他们称,扩大贸易与投资不仅有利于商业发展,同时也有利于地区和平与稳定。
Seoul cut many economic ties after a North Korean submarine allegedly sank the South Korean vessel, killing 46 sailors. But Yoo Dong-ho, president of the Emergency Response Committee of Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation — which claims to represent more than 140 South Korean companies that used to trade with or operate in North Korea — says the trade curbs aren't punishing Pyongyang.“In North Korea, management rights and monopoly status of the businesses that South Koreans have invested in over years were given to China, Russia and Europe," he said. "Only South Korean businesses have been destroyed.”2010年据称韩国一艘军舰被朝鲜潜艇击沉,造成46名韩国水兵牺牲。但朝韩经济合作体应急委员会的负责人Yoo Dong-ho称,韩国过去拥有超过140个公司在朝鲜进行贸易,但韩国在朝鲜多年苦心投资的经营权和垄断地位都被移交给了中国、俄罗斯和欧洲,唯独韩国企业利益遭受损害。因此对朝鲜的贸易限制实际上并未对朝鲜造成太大影响。
South Korea still permits businesses to operate in North Korea’s Kaesong industrial zone. The 55,000 workers in these factories make between $70 and $100 a month, much less than the minimum wage in the South. The wages, however, are paid to the North Korean government and are not distributed directly to the workers.韩国目前仍然允许企业在朝鲜的开城工业区运营。工业区共有5万5000名员工,每人平均工资为70美元到100美元,远低于韩国最低工资标准。而且这些公司并非直接发放到工人手中,而是得上交给朝鲜政府。
South Korea also suspended tours in 2008 to the Kumgang Mountain area after North Korean soldiers shot a visitor.韩国还在2008年暂停了前往金刚山度假村地区的旅游项目,此前曾有一名韩国游客在该地被朝鲜官兵开枪打死。
President Park and her conservative allies hold that Pyongyang must make amends for past aggression and for violating nuclear agreements before the trade ban is lifted.But this year, she has said, it is time for the two sides to start talking again about peaceful reunification.韩国总统朴槿惠和她的保守派盟友坚持朝鲜必须改正过去的敌意和违反核协议的做法才有机会重启贸易。但她在今年表示,双方重启和平统一谈判的时机到了。
"My position is that to ease the pain of division and to accomplish peaceful unification, I am willing to meet with anyone," Park said.朴槿惠称:“缓解南北分裂带来的不良影响和实现和平统一是我的职责,我愿意与任何人进行对话。”
South Korea National Assembly Representative Hong Ik-pyo, with the opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy, says expanding trade and business ties are essential parts of any unification process.韩国国民大会代表、反对党新政民主联盟的洪益表称,扩大贸易和商业合作对于有利于促进统一。
“For countries under conflict such as China and Taiwan, the most important things are the processes of peace, exchange and cooperation," he said. "I think it is not appropriate to move toward reunification without those things.”他说:“对于像中国和台湾这样斗争状态下的地区来说,首要任务就是和平、交流与合作的过程。我觉得要统一就必须做好这些工作。”
But given Pyongyang’s past broken promises to end its nuclear program in exchange for aid, many in the South remain skeptical that restoring trade ties would this time succeed in bringing peace to the Korean peninsula.鉴于朝鲜过去获得了援助却不肯放弃核项目的违约行为,许多人对恢复贸易关系会给朝鲜半岛带来和平持怀疑态度。
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