独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-23 15:40

【CNN 20150121】李娜:家务活比网球比赛更有难度

【原文标题】Li Na: ‘Housework is harder than pro tennis’【中文标题】李娜:做家务比打网球比赛更有难度【文章来源】CNN【原文链接】http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/21/tennis/li-na-australian-open-tennis/index.html

(CNN)This time last year, Li Na was at the center of the tennis universe as she won her second grand slam title at the Australian Open.去年这时候,李娜在澳大利亚网球公开赛上赢得了职业生涯第二座大满贯,成为了世界网坛的主角。
Twelve months on, the former world No. 2 is facing a whole new challenge -- getting to grips with the vacuum cleaner.如今,这位前世界第二的女子网球选手正面临着新一轮的挑战——家务活。
Persistent and worsening knee problems forced her to retire in September at the age of 32, and she admits the transition from tennis star to domestic goddess has been challenging.持续恶化的膝盖伤病迫使32岁的李娜去年9月宣布退役,她本人承认从网球明星到贤妻良母的转变有一定难度。
"I do the house cleaning. Before, when I was traveling, I thought it was all pretty easy. And now I have to do all these things I think tennis is much easier," she told CNN's Open Court.她告诉CNN网球记者称“现在是我在做家务了。以前我到处奔波的时候觉得家务很容易做,而现在轮到我亲自做的时候还是觉得打网球比较简单。”
Luckily for Li, she can count on the support of her husband Dennis, with whom she isexpecting her first child this summer.对于李娜幸运的是她有丈夫姜山的支持。今年夏天他们将迎来俩人的第一位孩子。
"Family for me is most important thing," she said, two days before announcing her pregnancy on the opening day of the year's first grand slam.澳大利亚网球公开赛开幕式当天,她向外界宣布怀孕的消息。在这之前两天,她曾在采访中对记者说:“对我来说,家庭是最重要的。”
"I'm starting to learn how to cook -- before, I never had the time or the chance. Now sometimes I say: 'Hey Dennis -- I always do the house cleaning, you have to do some cooking.' He's a little bit like: 'Hey, I'm the man -- why should I do this?'“我现在开始学习煮饭,因为以前我很少有时间或机会去做。现在有时候我会说:‘姜山,我整天都做家务,你也要来帮忙煮饭。’姜山就说:‘我是个男人,为什么要我干这种活?”

Li, China's most successful tennis export, became Asia's first grand slam singles champion at the 2011 French Open before adding another title with that victory in Melbourne last year.李娜是中国最成功的世界级网球运动员,她分别在2011年的法国网球公开赛上和2014年的澳大利亚网球公开赛上获得女子单打冠军。
But she says she'll be happy for all that to be forgotten if she can help usher through a new generation of Chinese tennis stars.她提到,如果她能帮助中国培养新一代网球明星的话,即使别人忘了她的成就她也会很高兴。
"I will try to have a tennis academy to help more young children," she explains. "When I said I would retire and said I wanted a tennis academy, everyone in China invited me.她解释说:“我将会开一所网球学习机构帮助更多的孩子。去年我宣布退役并要开办网球学校的时候,国人都表示欢迎。”
"But I have to find the right one, of course, in a big city, and to have communication with the government."“但我必须找一个合适的地方,当然是在大城市,然后也要和当地政府做好沟通工作。”
From what she has seen so far, lack of belief shouldn't be a problem when it comes to the nation's promising youngsters.从她的经验来看,中国的年轻人很有希望,应该不会缺乏自信心。
"I hear people say: 'Oh, my daughter is 10 times better than Li Na,' she smiles. "I like this confidence. At least they have a goal."她微笑地说:“我听到了人们说:‘我的女儿比李娜强十倍。’我很欣赏这种自信。至少他们有一个目标。”
And if she succeeds in her aim of encouraging fresh talent, Li -- who won a total of nine WTA titles -- says she wants people's memories of her outstanding career to fade quietly away.虽然拥有9座女子单打冠军的头衔,李娜表示,如果她能成功激励和培养新一代网球选手,她希望她所取得的成就能从人们的记忆中慢慢消退。
"Honestly, I would like the world to forget me," she adds. "Because, if they always remember me, that will mean that Chinese tennis hasn't grown up. I wish that a lot of young or new players will come up and people will say: 'Oh, this is a Chinese player.'"“我真的希望大家能够忘记我,因为大家总是想起我的话,那就意味着中国网球还没有成长。我希望有很多年轻选手涌现时,大家的反应是:‘哇那是个中国选手。”
But she admits leaving her own career behind was a very hard step to take, describing the decision to quit as "pretty sad."但同时她也承认,退役是非常艰难的也非常令人难过的决定。
It was also inevitable.但是退役也是逼不得已的。
"My knee couldn't handle it any more," she adds. "I think it was after Wimbledon that I saw the knee was getting even worse.她说:“我的膝盖无法继续坚持。我记得是在去年温布尔登网球公开是之后我的膝盖开始进一步恶化。”
"At the end of July, I had to have my fourth operation. I tried to recover, but didn't do very well.“七月底,我不得已去做了第四次手术。我尝试着从伤病中恢复,但是情况并不好。”
"Women's tennis now is pretty tough, and everyone is much stronger. So if I couldn't stay healthy, I couldn't play at the highest level. If you're a professional athlete, you always want to win all of them . You never want to lose on court."“女子网坛竞争很激烈,每个人都在进步。如果我不能保持健康的状态,我就不能维持高水平的竞技状态。如果你是一个专业运动员,你总是想要赢得所有的比赛。你绝对不想再赛场上输球。”
After all those years on the tour -- she turned professional in 1999 -- Li is slowly getting used to the idea of spending more time at leisure and less jetting from country to country.李娜1999年转入职业网坛,经过长达十几年的征战后,李娜也渐渐习惯了相对没那么繁忙的生活。
But she will never take her eyes off what is happening in the tennis world, and is watching the continuing progress of Japanese star Kei Nishikori with increasing interest.尽管如此,李娜还是时刻关注着世界网坛的新动态,她也注意到了的日本网球选手锦织圭的所取得的进步。
"I think he's doing amazingly," she adds. "Last year, in the U.S. Open, he was pretty close to the trophy."“我觉得他打得非常不错。去年的美网他差点就夺冠了。”
She hopes the Japanese star's success will also inspire the men's game in China. "He's doing well, but he's not so tall or so strong. People can think: 'He's not a western player,' and maybe men players can think we could do the same or even better."她希望锦织圭的崛起能够激励中国的男子网球。她说:“尽管他不是很高也不是很壮,但他的成绩却很不错。大家都会想‘锦织圭不是西方选手’,因此中国的男选手也应该有信心可以达到他的水平或者比他更优秀。”

And as she settles down to watch her first Australian Open for years as a spectator rather than a participant, who does Li feel might take the title that her retirement has left her unable to defend?今年阔别赛场作为澳网观众的李娜,她看好哪位选手能获得女子单打冠军呢?
"I think maybe Petra Kvitova," she says, backing her best friend on the tour. "I like the way she hits." But -- as if we really needed warning -- don't write off Serena Williams. "If she wants to win, she can win."李娜对她的好友表示支持,回答道:“我觉得是温网冠军佩特拉·科维托娃。我喜欢她的打法。但要注意的是,不要忽略小威廉姆斯。如果小威想赢,她有能力赢。”
Whoever lifts the trophy, it might inspire Li -- knees permitting, of course -- to get back out on court and start hitting a few shots. There will be no glory this time, though, and no fans: all future games will be strictly for fun.如果膝盖情况良好,无论谁最终捧杯都可能会激起李娜重回赛场的欲望。到那时,李娜将不会为荣誉而战,一切只为享受网球的美好。
After all, as she says, you can't totally leave something that has been so central to your world behind.毕竟,如李娜所说,你不能完全脱离曾经对你万分重要的事情。
"Tennis is my life," she concludes. "I grew up with tennis, and everything I know is from tennis."最后她说:“网球是我的生命。网球陪伴我成长,也教会了我很多事情。”
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