独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-24 16:24

【法新社 20150123】人民币跨境贸易使用量持续上升

【原文标题】China’s use of yuan for cross-border business growing【中文标题】人民币跨境贸易使用量持续上升【文章来源】法新社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/chinas-yuan-cross-border-business-growing-084757427--finance.html;_ylt=AwrTWf1wPMNUwj4AAqnQtDMD

China's use of its own yuan currency for cross-border transactions has increased "notably" to 9.95 trillion yuan ($1.63 trillion) last year, the central bank said Friday, without giving a comparative figure.中国央行周五宣布,人民币的使用量在去年跨国贸易中达到了9.95万亿元(1.63万亿美元),增幅“显著”上升。但其并未提供其他数据供比较。
China is seeking to make the yuan -- also known as the renminbi (RMB) -- used more internationally in line with its standing as the world's second-largest economy. Some analysts predict the unit will one day rival the US dollar.作为世界第二大经济体,中国希望增大人民币在国际中的使用量。有分析家预计,人民币在未来能与美元竞争。
The combined volume of yuan settlement for cross-border trade, investment and financing accounted for around 20 percent of China's total cross-border payments and receipts last year, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) said in a statement.中国人民银行发布消息称,去年人民币跨境贸易、投资和融资结算总量占中国跨境收支总量的20%。
But while Beijing is looking to promote the yuan, its value is closely controlled and authorities keep a tight grip on the capital account -- investment and financial transactions, rather than those related to trade -- over concerns that unpredictable inflows or outflows could harm the economy and their oversight of it.虽然中国希望提高人民币的地位,官方不但严格操纵人民币价格,同时由于担心资金流入和流出的不稳定性对国家经济的不良影响,资本项目(非贸易的投资、金融交易)也被严格管控。
China's official news agency Xinhua said in a commentary Friday that yuan internationalisation would benefit the entire world.新华社周五称,人民币国际化会为世界经济带来好处。
"The international usage of the RMB is still in its early days, but in the long run it helps diversify and improve the global reserve system, which is currently dominated by a volatile US dollar," it said.“人民币的国际化时日尚早,但从长远来看,它将丰富全球储蓄体系的同时也提高体系的水平。目前,全球储蓄体系由不稳定的美元主导。”
China's commerce ministry said this week it will it will only issue figures for inward and outward foreign investment in yuan, dropping the dollar statistic.中国商务部本周宣布只向内部发布具体数据,对外只公布外国投资人民币总量,不公布有关美元数据。
Spokesman Shen Danyang said no big countries, such as the US, would announce such figures in another country's currency, adding that it was also partly an effort to push the yuan's greater international role.商务部发言人沈丹阳称,包括美国在内,没有哪个国家会用外汇公布这种数据,这样做同时也有利于促进人民币的国际化。
Earlier this month, Customs only issued trade values in yuan at its quarterly briefing, with the official dollar amount made available later on its website.本月初,中国海关在季度例会上公布了以人民币为单位贸易值,以美元为单位的数值稍后将于网站公布。
Transactions organisation SWIFT estimates the yuan is the seventh most used global payment currency, though with only a 1.59 percent share as of October last year.环球同业银行金通电讯协会(SWIFT)估计,人民币是全球支付货币使用量排名第七的货币,去年10月仅占全部货币使用量的1.9%。
"We have seen a significant increase in RMB usage for payments with China and Hong Kong. Most of this growth is from early adopters and main RMB clearing centres," Astrid Thorsen, head of business intelligence for SWIFT, said in a statement in November.SWIFT商业情报主管Astrid Thorsen去年11月称,使用人民币向中国和香港进行付款的数量大幅增加。大部分增长来自早期使用者和大型人民币结算中心。
"This is a good sign for RMB adoption rates and internationalisation."他说:“这有利于人民币的普及和国际化。”
China has set up yuan clearing arrangements with 10 countries and regions and signed currency swap agreements with 28 central banks, the PBoC statement said.中国人民银行称:“目前有10个国家和地区已经成为人民币结算中心,也有28家大型银行与中国签署了货币互换协议。”
In the latest agreement, Switzerland's central bank said Wednesday it had signed a pact with the PBoC to set up clearing arrangements for yuan trading.The Swiss National Bank said the agreement will facilitate bilateral trade and investment.瑞士央行周三称其与中国人民银行达成了人民币清算协议,并称此举将有利于双方的贸易和投资往来。
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