独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-26 23:41

【NDTV 20150126】中国一名妇女7000美元卖儿

【原文标题】Chinese Mother Charged $7,000 to Sell Baby: Media Reports【中文标题】中国一名妇女7000美元卖儿【文章来源】NDTV【文章链接】http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/chinese-mother-charged-7-000-to-sell-baby-media-reports-653636
BEIJING:A Chinese mother has been charged with human trafficking for allegedly conspiring with a doctor to sell her baby boy for almost $7,000, media reported on Sunday, the latest case highlighting the country's lucrative child market.

The mother-in-law of the woman initially notified police in central Henan province that she suspected the child had been sold, a report by state news agency Xinhua said.起初,该妇女的继母因怀疑孙子被贩卖而向河南警方报警。
The woman, who was surnamed Huang, had previously told the family that the baby died soon after birth, said the report, which cites local prosecutors.据媒体援引当地检察机关的话称,该妇女此前曾对家人称孩子在出生不久就死了。
The woman had a son from a previous marriage and often "quarrelled" with her current husband, Xinhua said.该妇女与前夫育有一儿并且两人与现任丈夫共同生活,但她与现任丈夫经常“争吵”。

She "was worried that the new baby would affect the life of her first child", it said.据称,她”担心新生儿的到来会影响长子的生活”。

A couple paid 42,000 yuan for the child, 7,000 yuan of which went to the obstetrician who helped find the buyers, according to Xinhua.据新华社报道,他以42000元人民币的价格将婴儿卖出,其中7000元付给了负责寻找买家的产科医生。
The woman has been charged with human trafficking, other Chinese media outlets reported, while the doctor has also been prosecuted.妇女和当事医生被当地检察院以“拐卖妇女、儿童罪”提起公诉。
China has long struggled to rein in a lucrative market in babies, fuelled by a preference for male children and the "one child policy," which limits the number of children couples can have.中国的老一辈“重男轻女”思想和国家一直实行的生育政策导致非法贩卖婴儿的市场的滋生和存在,但中国也一直努力打击此类违法犯罪活动。
This month reports said police arrested more than 100 suspects in a crackdown on trafficking newborn babies and children in which 37 babies were rescued.据报道,本月在一个打击贩卖新生儿及儿童的专项活动中警方逮捕了100多名嫌疑犯,37名婴儿获救。
In March 2013, Chinese police rescued 92 children and two women and detained 301 people suspected of being involving with trafficking. 2013年3月,中国警方同样在打击贩卖妇女儿童犯罪活动中逮捕了301名嫌疑人,解救了92名儿童和2名妇女。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-27 00:28

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