独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-26 23:42

【路透社 20150126】日本去年12月出口上升 经济复苏迹象显露

【原文标题】Japan exports grow most in year, signalling steady recovery from recession【中文标题】日本去年12月出口上升 经济复苏迹象显露【文章来源】路透社【原文链接】http://www.cnbc.com/id/102366653

Japan's exports grew the most in a year in December, helped by a weak yen and pickup in overseas demand led by the United States, an encouraging sign for the recession-hit economy even as doubts persist about the strength of global consumption.由于日元走低和海外需求增加,日本12月出口年率上升。尽管有舆论对全球消费能力持怀疑态度,这个数据对遭受经济衰退的日本来说算是鼓舞人心。
The 12.9 percent year-on-year rise in exports marked a fourth straight month of growth, supported by shipments of cars to the United States and of electronics parts to China, data by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) showed on Monday.12月出口年率同比上升12.9%,由于美国和中国分别对汽车和电子零件的需求旺盛,日本已连续第四个月保持稳定复苏势头。
A recovery in exports, which has been a soft spot in the world's third-largest economy, could be a source of comfort for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is battling to re-kindle growth after an April sales tax hike drove Japan into a recession.出口一直是作为世界第三大经济体的日本的弱点,但最近出口持续复苏总算让日本首相安倍晋三松一口气。安倍晋三去年五月由于提高零售税导致日本经济陷入衰退,此后一直努力重振经济。
Still, with the exception of the United States, a largely gloomy global economic outlook has cast a cloud over external demand. The slump in oil prices to below $50 a barrel has also heightened global consumption and deflation concerns.除了美国需求稳定外,全球经济的低迷使日本出口蒙上了一片阴影。油价跌至每桶50美元以下让人产生全球消费能力不足以及通货紧缩的担忧。
"Exports have bottomed out but I doubt whether they will accelerate from now on due to growing uncertainty over the global economy," said Takeshi Minami, chief economist at Norinchukin Research Institute.日本农林中金综合研究所首席经济学家Takeshi Minami称:“但由于全球经济不稳定性的增加,因此我不确定已经触底的出口现在会不会开始攀升。
The MOF data showed exports to the United States rose 23.7 percent in the year to December, while those to China rose 4.3 percent.MOF数据显示,12月的日本对美国出口同比上升23.7%,对中国出口同比上升4.3%。
Shipments to Asia, which account for more than half of Japanese shipments, grew 11.0 percent year-on-year in December. EU-bound exports rose 6.8 percent.日本对亚洲其他地区的出口一直占总出口的50%以上,数据显示12月的日本对该地区出口同比上升11%,对欧元区出口同比攀升6.8%。
Overall imports rose 1.9 percent on the year in December versus a 2.3 percent gain expected, as sharp falls in crude oil prices cut into the value of purchases. That helped trim a trade gap by 49.5 percent from a year ago to 660.7 billion yen ($5.62 billion), still marking a record 30-month run of deficits.由于原油价格下跌导致购买成本降低,12月日本总进口同比上涨1.9%,低于预期值2.3%。
Cheap oil also compounds the challenge for the BOJ's aim of hitting its 2 percent inflation goal around the coming fiscal year from April, which analysts see as impossible to achieve.廉价石油同样让人担心日本银行对四月始的财政年预期的2%通胀率目标是否能实现,有分析家就认为该目标不可实现。
Indeed, on Wednesday the BOJ sharply cut its inflation forecast, and Governor Haruhiko Kuroda conceded it may take longer than expected to hit the price target.确实如此,日本银行周三大幅度调低通胀率预期,行长Haruhiko Kuroda承认要把通胀率下降到2%需要花费比预期更长的时间。
The yen has fallen sharply against the dollar although it has pulled back from recent lows. The dollar was at around 118 yen on Monday, off a 7-year high of above 120 yen hit last month, but still about 35 percent higher since Abe took office in late 2012.日元汇率不停下跌,但最近有所回升。日元在去年12月份对美元汇率达到了120:1,创下了七年来的新低。但本周一日本汇率有所上升,1美元兑换118日元,但还是比安倍晋三在2012下半年上任以来贬值了35%。
Despite the yen's depreciation under Abenomics stimulus policies, exports have been slow to pick up as Japanese firms shifted production overseas, while others have sought to boost profits rather than export volume.尽管安倍晋三出台相关的刺激政策来应对日元贬值,但日本出口一直难以上升,原因在于日本企业把生产工作转移到了海外进行,同时其他一些政策却旨在鼓励扩大利润空间而非出口总量。

难忘艳阳天 发表于 2015-1-31 21:41

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