Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-27 14:16


【中文标题】马德里竞技:中国王健林收购买进20%的股份【原文标题】Atletico Madrid: China's Wang Jianlin buys 20% stake【更新时间】21 January 2015 Last updated at 10:15【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Wang Jianlin (centre) is China'ssecond-richest man with a fortune of more than $13bn王健林(中间)是中国的第二富豪,有130亿美元的资产。
Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin is buyinga 20% stake in Spanish football club Atletico Madrid for €45m ($52m; £34m) ashe looks to diversify his business empire further.中国的亿万富翁王健林或将买进西班牙足球俱乐部马德里竞技的20%的股份,即四千五百万欧元(五千二百万美元;三千四百万英镑),他正在使他的商业帝国多样化。
He heads China's biggest property companyDalian Wanda, which has been buying up big foreign brands amid a weak domesticreal estate market.他领导中国最大的大连万达房地产公司,在疲软的国内房产市场中已购买外国大品牌。
This includes US cinema chain AMC andluxury British yachtmaker Sunseeker.这些大品牌包括美国电影院连锁AMC和英国豪华游艇制造商圣汐。
It will be the first Chinese company toinvest in a top European football club.这将是第一个投资欧洲顶级足球俱乐部的中国企业。
"This investment will not only providea golden opportunity for young Chinese players sent overseas by Wanda to beselected by leading European football clubs," Mr Wang said in a statement."It will also strengthen the quality of Chinese football and narrow thegap between the rest of the world."“这项投资不仅为由欧洲足球俱乐部选拔的中国球员被万达派往海外提供一个绝佳的机会,” 王先生在一份声明当中说。“它还将加强国足的质量和缩小中国与世界其他地区的差距。”
Who is Wang Jianlin?谁是王健林?
The 60-year-old is ranked China'ssecond-richest man behind Alibaba boss Jack Ma这位60岁的男人排名中国第二首富,名列阿里巴巴总裁马云之后。
He is worth $13.2bn according to Forbesmagazine根据《福布斯》杂志,他身价132亿美元。
Mr Wang is planning to open up amusementparks in China to rival the likes of Walt Disney and Universal Studios王先生正计划在中国开设与迪斯尼乐园相媲美的游乐园以及环球影城。
Last season, Atletico Madrid won the titlein Spain's top football competition La Liga and reached the final of the UefaChampions League.上个赛季,马德里竞技在西班牙赢得了冠军顶级足球竞争西甲和欧洲冠军联赛的决赛。
However, the club has struggled financiallyin recent years, accruing more than €500m in debts.然而,俱乐部已经在近几年深陷财务危机,累积了超过5亿欧元的债务。
The purchase by Mr Wang, who is one ofChina's richest men, could help to bring in new fans from the lucrative Asianmarkets and Chinese sponsors.购买该俱乐部的王健林是中国的富豪之一,他可以帮助从利润丰厚的亚洲市场和中国的赞助商中带来新球迷。
The 60-year-old is known to be a big footballfan and owned one of China's most successful teams from 1994 to 2000.60岁的他被认为是一个足球迷,并且从1994年到2000年拥有中国最成功的球队中的一支球队。
There has been a growing trend of Asianbillionaires buying into indebted or struggling European football clubs.亚洲亿万富豪购买负债或者陷入困境的欧洲足球俱乐部的现象有不断增长的趋势。
Malaysian tycoon Vincent Tan owns Welshclub Cardiff City, AirAsia chief Tony Fernandes is chairman of London's QueenPark Rangers, and Singaporean businessman Peter Lim owns a controlling stake inSpanish team Valencia.
马来西亚大亨陈志远拥有威尔士卡迪夫城俱乐部,亚航首席主席托尼·费尔南德斯是伦敦皇后公园巡游者的主席,新加坡商人Peter Lim在西班牙的瓦伦西亚球队拥有控股权。(A)

dummy_2013 发表于 2015-1-27 14:27

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