Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-27 15:07


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-27 15:08 编辑

【中文标题】上海踩踏事件:受害者的家庭得到补偿【英文标题】Shanghai stampede: Victims' families compensated【原文链接】【更新时间】22 January 2015 Last updated at 03:19 【原文来源】【正文】The families say they have been preventedfrom speaking to the media or each other家属说他们被禁止与媒体或者与其他人交谈
The families of 36 people who died in a NewYear's Eve stampede in Shanghai will receive 800,000 yuan ($129,000; £85,000)each in compensation, local authorities say.政府称,死于上海除夕踩踏事件的36人的每个家庭都得到了80万元的补偿(折合成美元为12万9千元;欧元为8万5千元)
The deadly crush took place at the historicriverfront walk, the Bund, where huge crowds had gathered.致命的踩踏发生在具有历史意义的黄浦江边的外滩上,巨大的人群聚集在那里。
The announcement came on the same dayinvestigators released a report into the incident.在事件发生的当天,调查人员对于该事件发布了一份报告。
Four district officials were fired forfailing to prevent public risk.四名官员因未能阻止公众危险而被解职。
Authorities said the 49 people injured inthe crush would also be given payouts depending on their injuries, according toa statement on the Huangpu district authority's official microblog.官方称会根据踩踏事件受伤的49人的伤势来给予赔偿金,根据黄浦区权威的官方微博称。
An investigation into the incidentdescribed a surging wave down a staircase对于此次事件的调查描述了楼梯上汹涌的人潮
The four officials who lost their jobs wereZhou Wei, the Communist Party chief in Huangpu district, his deputy Peng Song,the district's public security chief and the deputy police chief.四名已经失去职务的官员分别为黄浦区区委书记周伟,黄浦区区委副书记彭崧,黄浦公安分局局长和公安分局副局长。
Several other district officials weredisciplined but no city-level officials have yet to face any disciplinaryaction.其他几名地方官员均是遵守纪律的,但是没有任何的市级的官员受到任何纪律处分。
The report released after the investigationdescribed a series of events in which district police and officials were awareof growing crowds but failed to act or communicate the risk to higherauthorities.调查称,黄浦区发生了很多起类似的事件,警方和政府官员对越来越多人群的到来表示担忧,但是却没有做出相应的措施以及没有与上级机关就这个安全隐患进行沟通。(A)
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