Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-27 17:04


【中文标题】联合国谴责缅甸和尚Wirathu关于“性别歧视”的评论【原文标题】UN condemns Myanmar monk Wirathu's 'sexist' comments【更新时间】22 January 2015 Last updated at 05:42【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Wirathu spoke at a rally where hecriticised the UN and personally attacked the UN envoyWirathy在一次集会中批评联合国和对联合国特使进行人身攻击
The UN human rights chief has called onMyanmar to condemn a Buddhist nationalist monk for calling a UN special envoy a"bitch" and a "whore".联合国人权首席主席呼吁缅甸谴责一个佛教民族主义的和尚,因为他打电话给一位联合国特使,叫她“婊子”和“妓女”。
UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Husseinsaid Ashin Wirathu's comments amounted to "incitement to hatred".联合国人权首席Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein说Ashin Wirathu的评论相当于是在“煽动仇恨”。
The comments related to South Korean envoyYanghee Lee, who was in Myanmar last week to address the plight of its Muslimminority.与此评论相关的韩国特使Yanghee Lee, 上周在缅甸解决穆斯林少数民族的困境。
Wirathu spent almost a decade in jail forinciting anti-Muslim violence.Wirathu因煽动反对穆斯林的暴力而在狱中度过了近十年。
The monk is a leader of the 969 movement,which says Myanmar should remain a Buddhist country and calls for restrictionsand boycotts on Muslims.Wirathu是969运动的领袖,这表明缅甸应该仍然是一个佛教国家,并且要求限制和抵制穆斯林。
Mr Zeid called the language"sexist" and "insulting".Zeid先生称为语言“性别歧视”和“侮辱”。
"I call on religious and political leadersin Myanmar to unequivocally condemn all forms of incitement to hatred includingthis abhorrent public personal attack," Mr Zeid said in a statement.“我呼吁缅甸的宗教和政治领导人明确谴责一切形式的煽动仇恨,包括这可恶的公众人身攻击,” Zeid先生在一份声明中说。
'Systematic discrimination' “系统性的歧视”
Since the end of military rule in Myanmar, in2011, Buddhist nationalism, largely led by monks including Wirathu, has beenenergised. 在缅甸军事统治结束以来,在2011年,佛教的民族主义充满活力,在很大程度上是由包括Wirathu在内的僧侣领导的。
In 2012, scores of people died andthousands were left homeless after violence broke out between Buddhists andMuslims in Rakhine state, mostly from the Rohingya minority. Anti-Muslimviolence has flared several times since then.2012年,在佛教徒和穆斯林之间在若开邦的暴力事件爆发在以后,数十人死亡,数千人无家可归。自从那次起,反穆斯林的暴力事件已经发生了好几次。
The UN says the Rohingya are beingpersecuted, and last week passed a resolution calling on Myanmar to give themcitizenship.
Yanghee Lee said displaced Rohingya wereliving in "abysmal" conditions in refugee campsYanghee Lee说流离失所的罗兴亚族人居住在条件“糟糕”的难民营里
Ms Lee, who was on a 10-day trip to theSouth East Asian country, said the Rohingya faced systematic discrimination. 李女士到东南亚国家进行了为期十天的旅行,并且说罗兴亚族人面临系统性的歧视。
She criticised draft legislation, proposedby a coalition of nationalist Buddhist monks, that includes curbs on interfaithmarriage and religious conversions. 她批评由一个民族主义联盟的佛教僧侣提出的立法草案,草案中包括限制宗教婚姻和宗教转换。
Last Friday, Wirathu spoke at a publicrally where he criticised the UN interference and personally attacked Ms Lee,according to local media.上周五,Wirathu在公众集会上发表讲话,他批评联合国的干涉并且对李女士进行人身攻击,据当地媒体称。
"We have explained about the raceprotection law, but the bitch criticised the laws without studying themproperly," he said from the stage to the crowd.“我们已经解释了关于种族保护法,但是那个婊子没有正确的学习这些法律就对此进行批评,”他从舞台走到人群中说。
"Don't assume that you are arespectable person because of your position. For us, you are a whore."“不要以为因为你的位置,所以你是一个值得尊敬的人。对于我们来说,你就是一个妓女。”
In his statement, Mr Zeid said instead offocusing on people, leaders should address the substance of the concerns raisedby the special envoy.Zeid先生在他的声明中说领导人应该解决的问题的实质应是由特使提出来的而不是人民提出来的。
On Wednesday, Myanmar's government said itwas investigating the speech. 周三,缅甸政府表示,它正在调查这次演讲。
The BBC's Jonah Fisher in Yangon said monksare a powerful political lobby in Myanmar. 在仰光的来自BBC的记者Jonah Fisher说僧侣在缅甸是一个强大的政治游说群体。
With a general election this year thequestion now is which leaders will speak up and risk Wirathu and the monksturning on them, he adds.

guizi22 发表于 2015-1-28 02:02

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