Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-27 17:56


【中文标题】皇马连续十年居于顶尖足球财富榜【原文标题】Real Madrid top football rich list for 10th year running【原文作者】Bill Wilson【原文链接】【更新时间】22 January 2015 Last updated at 00:11【原文来源】【正文】Real Madrid continue to shine on and offthe football field皇马继续在足球场上闪耀光芒
Real Madrid has matched its10th triumph as champions of Europe by topping the Deloitte football rich listfor a 10th straight year.皇马已夺得过10次欧洲冠军杯冠军,连续10年超过德勤足球财富榜。
Manchester United moves up from fourth tosecond on the list, which is based on season 2013-14 revenues.曼联基于2013-2014年的赛季收入,从名单上的第四上升到了第二名。
Bayern Munich, Barcelona and ParisSaint-Germain filled the next spots.拜仁、巴塞罗那和巴黎圣日耳曼完成了下一局的比赛。
English clubs Manchester City, Chelsea,Arsenal and Liverpool were placed sixth to ninth, all of them showing healthyrises in revenues.曼城、切尔西、阿森纳和利物浦英语俱乐部被置于第六到第九,并且他们都显示收入增长良好。
Tottenham were in 13th spot, while therewere new entries for Newcastle United and Everton at 19th and 20th.热刺居于第13位,但是排名19位和20位的纽卡斯尔联队和埃弗顿队有着新的记录。
The total combined revenue for the top 20richest clubs rose by 14% to €6.2bn, the report found. The list only looks atrevenues accrued and does not take into account club debts.该报告发现,前20名最富有的俱乐部收入上升了14%,达到了62亿欧元。列表中只看总收入,但没有考虑到俱乐部的债务。
Real Madrid, which won its so-called"Decima" European Cup/Champions League after beating city neighboursAtletico 4-1 last May, saw revenues of €549.5m (£459.5m, at average exchangerate for the year ending 30 June 2014). 皇马在去年以4:1击败城市邻居马德里竞技后,赢得了所谓的“德西马”欧洲冠军杯/欧冠,收入达到54.95亿(平均汇率截止到今年的6月30日,折算成英镑为459.5英镑)
The club saw revenue growth of €30.6m, fromincreases of 8% and 9% in broadcast and commercial revenues respectively. 俱乐部的营业收入在广播和收入方面分别增长了8%和9%,总体增长了3.06亿.
Other findings include:其他的发现包括:
Galatasaray was the only club from outsidethe "big five" European leagues to make the top 20加拉塔萨雷俱乐部是唯一来自“五大”之外的欧洲联赛前20名
Italy's Napoli was a new entrant into thetop 20 after its revenues soared by more than 50%意大利的那不勒斯是一个新的进入前20名后收入飙升超过50%的队伍。
Spain's Atletico Madrid moved up from 20th to 15th place afterreaching the Champions League final西班牙的马德里竞技在进入欧冠决赛后,排名从第20位上升到第15位。
Meanwhile, broadcast rights deals pushedthe entire Premier League into the wider top 40 highest earning clubs.与此同时,转播权的交易把整个英超联赛推到前40的收入最高的俱乐部里。
"The Premier League's new broadcastdeals have translated into big revenue increases across the English topflight," said Austin Houlihan, senior manager at Deloitte.“英超联赛的新广播交易在整个英国顶级航班中已经被译成了大量收入增加,”德勤的高级经理奥斯汀·胡莉说。
"In fact, every Premier League club reportedrecord revenues in 2013-14."“事实上,每一个英超俱乐部已经公布了2013-14年的创纪录营业收入。”(A)
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