独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-28 23:37

【彭博社 20150126】中国囚犯在监狱用手机与女性裸聊并敲诈

【原文标题】China Prisons Under Scrutiny After Inmate Extorts Sex From Women【中文标题】中国囚犯在监狱用手机与女性裸聊并敲诈【文章来源】彭博社【文章链接】http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-26/china-prisons-under-scrutiny-after-inmate-extorts-sex-from-women
China’s management of its prisons was thrown into the spotlight after a news website report detailing how an inmate extorted money and sex from women he met via mobile phone prompted national attention.近日中国监狱管理走进了公众的视线,一家新闻网站披露了一囚犯如何通过手机与裸聊并敲诈女性。
The Paper, affiliated with Shanghai-based Oriental Morning Post, reported Jan. 20 that the inmate at Nehe Prison in northern China won three women’s trust and persuaded them to visit him. He then threatened to post nude photos of them online unless they gave him money and sex. Authorities in Heilongjiang province, where the prison is located, confirmed the report Jan. 22 and said the incident exposed issues with prison supervision.据《东方早报》1月20日报道,关押在中国东北讷河监狱的囚犯通过手机认识三名女性并说服她们探监。他威胁三名女性如果不跟他发生性关系和拒绝给钱,他将把裸聊的照片发到网上。讷河所属的黑龙江当地官员在22日确认了该报道,称这起事件暴露了监狱监管存在的问题。
China’s Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service has recorded almost 50 million discussions about the topic as of today, when it was also ranked the most-popular issue being commented on by its users. The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party, said on its Weibo account that the incident at Nehe Prison showed the need to improve prison supervision.微博此话题当天已经有将近5000万条评论,是当天最受瞩目的话题。《人民日报》在官方微博上称,这起事件说明官方需要加强监狱监管工作。
China had 681 prisons with 1.64 million inmates as of April 2012, according to a report by the official Xinhua News Agency. The government hasn’t published more up-to-date data.据新华社一份报道显示,截至2012年4月,中国有681家监狱、164万囚犯。目前中国政府并没有发布最新数据。
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