独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-28 23:43

【路透社 20150127】李克强:2015年确保新增1000万个工作岗位

【原文标题】China’s Li says to create 10 mln jobs in 2015【中文标题】李克强:2015年确保新增1000万个工作岗位【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/chinas-li-says-create-10-mln-jobs-2015-000630134--business.html

China's Premier Li Keqiang pledged to create at least 10 million new jobs in 2015, the state run China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday, despite economic growth that slowed to its weakest pace in nearly a quarter of a century last year.据中国日报周二消息称,中国总理李克强承诺将在2015年创造1000万新增工作岗位,尽管数据显示去年的经济增速创下24年来新低。
Beijing views healthy employment levels as a top policy priority and an important condition for social stability. Last year the country created around 13 million jobs.中国政府把就业率视为决策的优先事项和社会稳定的关键保障。去年中国全年新增岗位大约1300万个。
"Stress tests show the possibility of a large amount of unemployment, which could lead to social instability if the economy cools down too fast," Li said at a meeting with economic experts and business leaders on Monday, the newspaper said.李克强在周一与经济专家和商业领袖的会议上称:“压力测试表明就业率有可能增大,这在经济放缓过快的情况下会导致社会动荡。”
China's economy grew at its slowest pace in 24 years in 2014 as property prices cooled and companies and local governments struggled under heavy debt burdens, pressuring Beijing to take aggressive steps to avoid a sharper downturn.由于房地产价格下跌、企业和各地政府负债沉重,2014年中国经济增速创下24年来新低,中国政府积极采取措施避免经济进一步下滑。
A weakening jobs market would raise alarm bells for the government as it ratchets up efforts, including an interest rate cut towards the end of last year, to support a slowing economy.尽管中国通过降息等措施加强应对经济放缓,疲软的就业市场对于中国政府来说还是不容忽视的。
China targeted a registered urban unemployment rate below 4.6 percent last year, although many economists believe the real number may be higher given the difficulty of tracking the country's army of migrant workers.去年中国城镇登记失业率定为4.6%,但许多经济学者认为真实数字高于4.6%,原因在于很难对大批流动工人进行追踪。
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts China's economy will grow 6.8 percent in 2015, while a median forecast in a Reuters poll sees an expansion of around 7 percent.国际货币基金组织预计2015年中国经济增速为6.8%,而路透社综合调查结果认为中国经济增速在7%左右。

laotouzi 发表于 2015-1-29 01:25

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