Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-29 09:52


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-29 09:54 编辑

【中文标题】维吉尼亚州的麦当劳以种族歧视为由提起诉讼【原文标题】McDonald's sued for racial discrimination in Virginia【原文链接】【更新时间】22 January 2015 Last updated at 22:05 【原文来源】【正文】

The suit is part of ongoing efforts bylabour organisers to hold McDonald's accountable for franchisees诉讼一部分是因为劳工组织者持续努力的结果,为的是让麦当劳特许经营商负责。

Ten former McDonald's workers have sued itin the Virginia federal court for racial and sexual discrimination.十名前麦当劳员工在弗吉尼亚州联邦法院起诉麦当劳种族歧视和性别歧视。

The suit alleges that some employees werefired from one franchise because there were "too many black people".该诉讼称一个特许经销商店的多名员工被解雇是因为有“太多的黑人”。

It is being backed by a group campaigningfor better wages for fast-food workers and the local Virginia NationalAssociation for the Advancement of Colored People.这起诉讼由一个为快餐工人争取更多工资的组织和当地弗吉尼亚州全国有色人种促进协会所支持。

McDonald's has not yet commentedspecifically on the suit.麦当劳还未对此诉讼给出答复

McDonalds issued a general statement,saying: "McDonald's has a long-standing history of embracing the diversityof employees, independent franchisees, customers and suppliers, anddiscrimination is completely inconsistent with our values.麦当劳发布声明,说:“麦当劳有着员工的多样性,独立经销商,客户和供应商的悠久历史,歧视的现象是完全不符合我们的价值观的。”

"McDonald's and our independentowner-operators share a commitment to the well-being and fair treatment of allpeople who work in McDonald's restaurants."“麦当劳和我们独立的业主经营人对于幸福和公平对待所有在麦当劳餐厅工作的人共享着一个承诺。”

Ongoing effort持续的努力

The suit is part of a continuing effort on thepart of labour organisers to hold McDonald's responsible for the behaviour ofits franchisees.该诉讼是一个劳工组织者对麦当劳加盟店的行为负责的持续努力的一部分。

McDonald's and other restaurant groups haveargued that it should not be held responsible for the behaviour and labourpractices of franchisees.麦当劳和其他餐厅组织认为它不应该对经销商的行为负责。

However, their position has been weakenedby the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).然而,他们的立场已经削弱了美国国家劳资关系委员会(NLRB)。

It ruled that McDonalds "could be heldjointly liable for labour and wage violations by its franchise operators"in July.经裁定,麦当劳“对特许经营商在7月的劳动力和违反工资负连带责任”。

The suit is supported by unions and labourorganisers who have been campaigning for better wages此次诉讼由工会和争取更高薪水的劳工组织者支持

Since then, current and former employees havefiled lawsuits against many McDonald's franchises and the larger corporationalleging wage theft and other illegal practices.此后,现任和前任员工提起诉讼指控许多麦当劳特许经营商以及工资盗窃的大公司还有其他的非法行为。
Too dark'“太黑暗”

In the lawsuit filed in Virginia onThursday, which is not part of the NLRB's larger activity, 10 former employees- nine of whom are African-American and one of whom is Hispanic - allege thatthey were subject to "rampant racial and sexual harassment" bysupervisors at three restaurants run by McDonald's franchisee Michael Simon.周四在维吉尼亚州提起了该诉讼,此诉讼并不是美国国家劳资关系委员会更大活动中的一部分,10名前任雇员——其中9名是非洲裔美国人,1名是西班牙人——声称是受到麦当劳特许经营商Michal Simon负责的三个餐厅的主管“猖獗的种族和性骚扰”。

Mr Simon became franchise operator of thethree restaurants in late 2013, when the majority of the employees at the restaurantswere African-American.西蒙先生在2013年年末成为三个餐厅的特许经营者,那时候餐厅里的大部分员工都是非洲裔美国人。
Soon after, the suit alleges Mr Simoninstituted a plan to hire more white employees, with supervisors allegedlytelling employees that the restaurants were "too dark" and theyneeded to hire new employees to "get the ghetto out of the store".不久,该诉讼称西蒙先生制定了一个计划,雇佣更多的白人员工,据称主管告诉员工餐厅都“太黑”了,他们需要雇佣更多的员工来“把犹太人赶出餐厅”

Subsequently, in mid-2014, a large numberof white employees were hired and several of the African-American employees whoare part of the suit were fired.随后,在2014年中旬,大量的白人员工被雇佣,此诉讼中一些非洲裔美国人被解雇。

The fired workers alleged that when theyattempted to contact McDonald's corporate office, there was no response.被解雇的工人称,当他们试图联系麦当劳公司的办公室,无人应答。

McDonald's is due to report its fourth-quarterearnings before US markets open on Friday.在周五美国市场开放之前,麦当劳将发布第四季度的业绩报告。(A)
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