Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-29 09:59


【中文标题】研究表明,女性与伴侣在一起时会感觉更疼痛【原文标题】Women patients feel more pain when with partner, study suggests【原文链接】【更新时间】21 January 2015 Last updated at 09:36【原文来源】【正文】
Patients in pain may not always find their partner'spresence helpful病人在疼痛时不会感到他们伴侣的存在会对病情的减缓有帮助
The presence of a romantic partner duringpainful medical procedures could make women feel worse rather than better,researchers say.在痛苦的医疗过程中恋人的出现会使女性感觉更加糟糕,研究人员说。
A study involving 39 couples found thisincrease in pain was most pronounced in women who tended to avoid closeness intheir relationships. 一项包含39对夫妇的研究发现,对于那些试图避免亲密关系的女人所感受疼痛的程度增加。
The authors say bringing a loved one alongfor support may not be the best strategy for every patient. 笔者说带着亲人的支持与希望,对每一个病人来说不能不是最好的策略。
The work appears in the journal SocialCognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 这项研究发表在《社会认知与情感神经科学》杂志上。
Painful pulses痛苦的脉搏
Researchers from University College London,King's College London and the University of Hertfordshire say there has beenvery little scientific research into the effects of a partner's presence onsomeone's perception of pain, despite this being common medical advice.来自伦敦大学学院、伦敦国王学院和赫特福德郡大学的研究人员说很少有科学研究对伴侣的出现对某人痛苦的感觉的影响,尽管这是非常常见的医疗建议。

They recruited 39 heterosexual couples andasked them a series of questions to measure how much they sought or avoidedcloseness and emotional intimacy in relationships. 他们招募了39对异性伴侣,问他们一系列的问题来衡量他们寻求多少或者避免多少亲密和情感上的亲密关系。
Each female volunteer was then subjected toa series of painful laser pulses while her partner was in and then out of theroom. 每一个女性志愿者在她的伴侣在房间和不在房间时都受到一些列痛苦的激光脉冲。
The women were asked to score their levelof pain. They also had their brain activity measured using a medical testcalled an EEG. 女性被要求给她们自己的痛苦程度打分。她们也用一个叫脑电图的医疗测试来测量她们的大脑活动。
The researchers found that certain womenwere more likely to score high levels of pain while their partner was in theroom. 研究人员发现,一定数量的女性会在他们丈夫在场的情况下的痛苦指数打更高的分。
These were women who said they preferred toavoid closeness, trusted themselves more than their partners and feltuncomfortable in their relationships. 这些女人说她们倾向于避免亲密,比信任他们的丈夫更加信任自己并且在他们的关系里感到不舒服。
And researchers say the findings weremirrored in the brain activity tests too. 研究人员说研究结果也在大脑活动的测试中反映出来。
When their partners were present, thewomen's EEG traces showed higher spikes of activity in regions of the brainlinked with experiencing body threat. 当她们的伴侣在场的情况下,这些女性的脑电图迹线在大脑的附近与身体所经历的威胁上显示出更高的峰值。
Dr Katernia Fotopoulou, one of the leadresearchers, told the BBC: "Our research shows one piece of advice doesn'tfit everyone. 领导研究人员之一的Katernia Fotopoulou博士告诉BBC:“我们的研究显示的建议并不是适合每一个人。”
"Advice that you must have yourpartner with you is not always going to work if people are most concerned aboutlowering the level of pain they feel."“你必须有你的伴侣陪伴的建议,如果人们最关心降低他们的痛苦等级的话,不是总是建议陪伴你去工作。”
Tailored advice定制的建议
Dr Amanda Williams, from University CollegeLondon, provided an independent comment: "This research fits well withprevious studies - some children report they feel more pain in the presence oftheir parents. 来自伦敦大学学院的阿曼达·威廉姆斯博士提供了一个独立的评论:“这项研究与之前的研究非常的贴切——一些孩子说他们在有父母在的场景下会感到更加的痛苦。”
"This is particularly true when theirparents are more anxious than them.“当他们父母比他们还要焦虑时,这个感觉更加的真实。”
"People assume that having a partner,a parent or a close other present is always helpful but it is clearly not thecase. “人们总是认为有一个伴侣,一个家人或者是一个其他亲近的人在场会是有帮助的,但是并不是如此。”
"We need to understand who this advicedoesn't suit."“我们需要理解哪些人不适合这个建议。”(A)

易八泰 发表于 2015-1-29 10:07


长工放牛 发表于 2015-1-29 10:48

易八泰 发表于 2015-1-29 10:07

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