Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-29 10:20


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-29 10:22 编辑

【中文标题】希腊大选:反紧缩措施的左翼联盟党与新民主党派之间的战斗【原文标题】Greek election: Anti-austerity Syriza battles New Democracy【更新时间】25 January 2015 Last updated at 02:36 【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】

Nearly 10 million people are eligible tocast their votes近1000万人有资格投票
Greeks are voting in a general electionwhich could result in Greece trying to renegotiate the terms of its bailoutwith international lenders. 希腊人在大选中投票可能导致希腊试图重新协商与国际贷款机构救助的条款。
The leftwing Syriza party, which has been leadingin opinion polls, wants part of Greece's huge debt written off and austeritymeasures revoked.左翼联盟党在民意调查中占据优势,他们希望希腊能够勾销巨额贷款的一部分并且紧缩措施能够得以撤销。
This has spooked money markets and raisedfears of a Greek exit from the euro.这令货币市场担忧并且引发了希腊即将退出欧元区的担忧。
But the governing New Democracy party saysthe economy is recovering. 但是执政的新民主党派说,经济正在复苏。
Greece has endured tough budget cuts inreturn for the bailout negotiated with the so-called troika of lenders - theEuropean Union, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank(ECB).希腊经历了严格的预算消减以回报与所谓的三驾马车的救助协商,三驾马车分别是:欧盟、国际货币基金组织和欧洲央行。
The economy has shrunk drastically sincethe 2008 global financial crisis, increasing unemployment and throwing manyGreeks into poverty. 自2008全球金融危机以来,经济明显下降,导致失业增加,许多希腊人陷入贫困。
Polls across Greece are due to open at07:00 local time (05:00 GMT) and close at 19:00.民意调查将于当地时间早晨7点开放,于晚上19点关闭。

Syriza, led by Alexis Tsipras, PM AntonisSamaras' New Democracy are seen as favourites in the race左翼联盟党由阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯领导,是总理萨马拉斯的新民主党,在比赛中被视为最受欢迎的人。

Unemployment in Greece currently stands at25%希腊目前的失业率为25%
There are nearly 10 million eligiblevoters, who are electing the country's 300-member parliament. 有近1000万名的合格选民,正在选出议会的300名成员。
First exit polls are expected immediatelyafter the voting ends. 第一次投票预计将在投票结束后立即退出。
'Dignity' “尊严”
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras says his partywill restore "dignity" to Greece by rolling back on cuts to jobs, payand pensions which have hurt millions of people across the country. 左翼联盟党的领袖阿莱克斯•齐普拉斯说,他的政党将恢复通过对消减工作岗位,工资和伤害了全国数以百万计人民的养老金来恢复希腊的“尊严”。
The possibility of a Syriza victory hassparked fears that Greece could default on its debt and leave the euro - thesingle currency of 19 EU members.左翼联盟党胜利的可能性引起了担忧,希腊可能拖欠债务和退出欧元区——19个欧盟成员国的单一货币。
This is despite the fact that Syriza hasmoderated its stance since the peak of the eurozone crisis, and says it wantsGreece to stay a member of the currency. 尽管左翼联盟党自从欧元区危机以来,并表示希望希腊继续保持是货币组织中的一员。
Meanwhile, the leader of centre-right NewDemocracy and PM Antonis Samaras has promised to work "day and night"to keep the country standing.与此同时,中右翼新民主党派和总理萨马拉斯承诺“不分昼夜”的工作来保持国家的稳定。
Syriza, he argues, could force the countryfrom the euro by its policies, serving what he called the "drachmalobby", a reference to the former Greek currency.左翼联盟党认为可能会迫使该国从欧元的政策,为他所谓的“德拉克马游说”。
He also warns that Greece could miss out ona massive programme of quantitative easing unveiled by the ECB last week tohelp stimulate the eurozone economy. 他还警告说,希腊可能会错过一个由欧洲央行揭开的一个大规模的量化宽松计划来帮助促进欧元区的经济。
The centrist To Potami and the right-wingGolden Dawn party are expected to fight for third place in the elections.中间党派和右翼金色黎明党将在此次选举中争夺前三名。

Average wage is €600 (£450: $690) a month每月平均工资是600欧元(450英镑,690美元)
Unemployment is at 25%, with youthunemployment almost 50%失业率是25%,年轻人失业率将近50%。
Economy has shrunk by 25% since the startof the eurozone crisis自从欧元区危机开始,经济已经萎缩了25%。
Country's debt is 175% of GDP 国家的债务是GDP的175%。
Borrowed €240bn (£188bn) from the EU, theECB and the IMF从欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织借来的240亿。(A)

laotouzi 发表于 2015-1-29 11:51

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