Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-29 15:10


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-29 15:13 编辑

【中文标题】阿里巴巴叫板中国监管机构【原文标题】Alibaba engages in harshly worded spat with Chinese watchdog【更新时间】28 January 2015 Last updated at 12:46【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】
Alibaba founder Jack Ma has built the firminto one of the world's highest-valued tech companies阿里巴巴创始人马云把公司建立成为了世界上最高价值的科技公司之一
Alibaba, China's biggest net retailer, hasengaged in a rare public row with one of the country's watchdogs.阿里巴巴,中国最大的网络零售商,最近罕见的公开和国家工商总局叫板。
The spat was prompted by the regulator'sclaim that Alibaba was "failing" to tackle illegal business beingcarried out on its platforms.争吵是因为监管机构称,阿里巴巴在解决盗版商品在其网络平台上进行交易的问题上违规。
The company has reacted by accusing thewatchdog of being "biased" and "wrong", adding that itplans to file a formal complaint of its own.公司回应指责监管机构存在“偏见”和“错误”,并补充说,公司计划起草文件正式向国家工商总局起诉。
About 279 million buyers, and 8.5million sellers use the firm's sites.大约2.79亿买家,2.79亿卖家使用该公司的网站。
The company's founder, Jack Ma, announced last week that he intended to swell its number of customers to two billionpeople within the next decade by expanding across the world, posing a threat toeBay, Amazon and others. A clash with the authorities in its home market couldprove a major distraction.公司的创始人马云(Jack Ma)上周宣布,他打算在未来十年内通过在世界各地扩大业务来增加其客户的数量至二十亿人,此举将对eBay,亚马逊等公司构成威胁。在国内市场上和政府当局发生冲突可能是对它的发展是个重大干扰。
Alibaba previously acknowledged that its efforts to tackle the sale of counterfeit goods"may not always be successful", in documents filed ahead of its $25bn(£1**bn) share sale in the US last year.阿里巴巴以前承认其应对销售假冒产品行为的措施“并不算成功”, 去年在美国售股250亿美元(£164亿)的文档中有提到这点。
However, the firm also stressed that it wastaking a variety measures to tackle unlawful acts on its platforms, noting thatWashington no longer places its Taobao marketplace and site on alist of "notorious markets".然而,该公司还强调,它采取过多种措施来解决其平台上假冒商品的违法销售行为,值得注意的是,华盛顿不再把淘宝和阿里巴巴网站列在“臭名昭著的市场”的列表里。

The SAIC watchdog said the majority ofgoods it surveyed from Taobao were not genuine国家工商总局表示,淘宝上大多数的商品并非真品。
The allegations made by China's StateAdministration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) on Wednesday morning followed ameeting between the watchdog and Alibaba held last July.这些指控是由中国国家工商行政管理局(SAIC)周三上午公布的,之前工商总局和阿里巴巴在去年7月举行过一次会议。
The regulator accused the firm's bosses of"narcissism" and claimed they were failing to do enough to addressthe sale of goods that were trademark-infringing, substandard, and sometimesillegally imported. It added that it believed some of the firm's employees hadtaken bribes.工商总局指责该公司的老板们的“自恋”,声称他们未能充分解决销售侵犯商标权的商品,以及不合格商品和时而一些非法进口的商品等问题。并补充说到,认为该公司的一些员工已存在贿赂行为。
"Illegal business activities onAlibaba Group's platforms have for a long time failed to elicit sufficientattention, and for a long time has not adopted effective measuresto address the situation," its report said, adding that the firm had letthis "abscess fester until it became a danger".“阿里巴巴集团平台上的非法商业活动有很长一段时间没能引起足够的关注,(该公司)很长一段时间没有采取有效的措施来解决这一现象,”工商总局的报告里这样说道,并补充道该公司已经让这个“脓肿一直溃烂到成为一个危险。”
It acknowledged that the firm had pledgedto take action, but stated: "This not only is the biggest crisis ofintegrity faced by the company since its founding, but it has also hurt otherinternet companies that try to operate legally."报告承认,该公司已承诺采取行动,但表示:“这不仅是这个公司成立以来面临的最严重的诚信危机,而且它也伤害了其他想要合法经营的互联网公司。”
Government-watchers say such stronglanguage is highly unusual, with local business magazine Caixin describing thereport as a "bombshell".政府观察员认为如此严厉的言词是极不寻常的,当地商业杂志《财新》称该报告是一个“重磅炸弹”。
It is also abnormal for a Chinese companyto hit back at the regulator with tough language of its own.同时,作为一个中国公司,用言辞强硬的话回击监管机构也是异常罕见的。
The firmposted a letter on the Weibo micro-blogging service headlined:"Don't make unfair calls, Director Liu Hongliang. You've crossed theline".该公司在微博上发布了一条标题为:“刘红亮司长,您违规了,别吹黑哨!”的公开信。

Alibaba responded via atwo-part letter posted to the Weibo micro-blogging service 阿里巴巴通过发布到新浪微博的两份公开信进行回应。
It accused the SAIC official of "professionalmisconduct", and complained that his organisation had based its criticismon a survey limited to just 51 of the many million products listed on Taobao.它指责中国工商总局“职业行为不规范”,批评和抱怨工商总局抽检的样品只是基于淘宝数百万商品中的51个商品。
Futhermore, it questioned the decision to classify32 of the products as being "not genuine" simply because theirsellers had not provided proper documentation.此外,它质疑32类商品被定义成是“非正品”的决定,仅仅因为卖家没有提供正确的商品说明文档。
"We welcome fair and just supervision, andoppose selective omissions and malicious actions,'' the letter added.信中说道“我们欢迎公平公正的监管,反对不作为,乱作为,恶作为。” "Obtaining a biased conclusion using the wrongmethodology has inflicted irreparable and serious damage to Taobao and Chineseonline businesses.''“用错误的方式得到的一个不客观的结论,对淘宝以及中国电子商务从业者造成了非常严重的负面影响。”
Alibaba said last month that it had removed 90million listings for potentially counterfeit goods over the first nine monthsof 2014, and had spent more than $160m on efforts to protect its customerssince 2013.阿里巴巴上月表示, 在2014年的前九个月它已经移除了9000万个假冒商品,自2013年以来为了努力保护其客户已经花了超过1.6亿美元。
The timing of the clash coincides with Yahoo'sannouncement that it plans to spin-off a 15% stake in Alibaba into a separatebusiness.此冲突的时机恰逢雅虎宣布计划将其手上阿里巴巴15%的股份投资到一个单独的业务中。

tjgq1188 发表于 2015-1-29 15:18


大漠红色猎鹰 发表于 2015-1-29 15:27

有点活的不耐烦了!!!Q29)买10件有9 件是假的!Q61)

易八泰 发表于 2015-1-29 15:34

tjgq1188 发表于 2015-1-29 15:18


爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-29 15:34


tjgq1188 发表于 2015-1-29 15:38

易八泰 发表于 2015-1-29 15:34


轻语8888 发表于 2015-1-29 15:46

"may not always be successful"


轻语8888 发表于 2015-1-29 15:52


tjgq1188 发表于 2015-1-29 15:55

【“淘宝小二”公开信已删, 工商总局2014年《关于对阿里巴巴集团进行行政指导工作情况的白皮书》也已经从网上撤下】-新华网
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