独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-29 22:41


【原文标题】Why China Is Important To The Global Economy【中文标题】聚焦中国经济:中国经济对全球经济的重要性【文章来源】雅虎财经【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-china-important-global-economy-020508062.html
A new paper, “Braking China. . . Without Breaking the World,” from the BlackRock Investment Institute offers a nice list of six reasons why this is the case. Here are the reasons in no particular order.贝莱德投资研究所发布一篇名为《Braking China... Without Breaking the World》的文章,并为此列举了以下6大原因(无先后排序)。
1. China has quickly become the second-largest economy in the world.1. 中国迅速成为世界第二大经济体
2. China contributed almost half of the global growth in 2013, much more than the United States.2. 2013年中国经济增长占世界经济增长将近50%。

The pie chart above shows the contribution of some major economies to global GDP (gross domestic product) in 2013. The final data for 2014 aren’t available for most countries.以上饼状图展示了2013年部分主要经济体对世界GDP增速的贡献。目前2014年大多数国家的最终数据尚未出炉。
As you can see, China (FXI) made up almost 50% of the world’s GDP growth in 2013. That’s because China is the second-biggest economy in the world. Also, it’s growing at a much faster rate than the US, the biggest economy in the world.正如你所见,2013年中国(FXI)经济增长占世界经济增长将近50%,原因不仅仅因为中国是世界上第二大经济体,还因为中国经济的增速远远大于世界第一大经济体美国的增速。
The US made up about 29% of the change in global GDP in 2013. The US is a huge economy, with a GDP of around $16,800 billion. Even if it grows by 1%, it contributes a lot to global growth in terms of the bottom line.2013年美国经济增速约占全球经济增速的29%。美国是一个巨大的经济体,GDP大约达到168亿美元。因为基数巨大,所以即使美国经济仅仅增长1%,那对世界经济增长也是贡献巨大。
Russia (RSX), Brazil (EWZ), and India (EPI) combined made up 4.5% of the world’s GDP growth in 2013. This just goes to show the gulf between China and other emerging markets (EEM).2013年俄罗斯(RSX)、巴西(EWZ)和印度(EPI)等国经济增速占世界经济增速4.5%。这就表明了中国经济和其他发展中国家经济(EEM)之间的巨大差距。
A slowdown in China will negatively impact the economies exporting to China. Europe (EZU), Southeast Asia, Japan (EWJ), and South Korea (EWY) are some of China’s biggest import partners.中国经济增速放缓不利于其他国家出口中国。欧洲(EZU)、南美、日本(EWJ)和韩国(EWY)是中国的部分主要进口国。
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