独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-29 22:43


本帖最后由 独秀文译青年 于 2015-1-29 22:48 编辑

【原文标题】China Is Now The Largest Car Market In The World【中文标题】聚焦中国经济:世界上最大的汽车市场【文章来源】雅虎财经【原文链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-now-largest-car-market-020516316.html
China is now the largest market in the world for cars, computers, mobile phones and countless other products. Wine sales in China, for instance, have more than tripled in just five years.中国现在是世界上汽车、电脑、手机和其他很多产品的最大市场。举个立在,红酒在中国的销量在五年内翻了三倍多。

The graph above shows the major car producers in the world. China (FXI) has quickly jumped to number one in the world. It produced nearly 14.5 million cars in 2011. In other words, one out of every four cars made that year came from China.上图展示了世界上主要汽车生产国。中国(FXI)迅速成为了世界第一汽车生产国,在2011年生了大约1450万辆汽车。换句话来说,世界上每四辆车就有一辆是中国生产。
China was the world’s third-largest car market in 2006, behind Japan (EWJ) and Germany (EWG). But, it made up that deficit in just the next five years.中国在2006年成为了世界第三大汽车制造国,排在日本和德国之后。但中国用了五年的时间就跃居首位。
Major car producing firms such as Toyota (TM) have set up many plants in China. To some extent, these companies are dependent on the well-being of China.诸如丰田(TM)这样的汽车公司在中国建造了许多工厂。在某种程度上来说,这些公司的生存依赖于中国经济的良好表现。
And, China isn’t just a major car market. It’s also a leader in computers and mobile phones, as well as other electronics.中国同时也是电脑、手机及其他电子产品的重要市场。
Tech companies (QQQ) in the US rely on steady growth in China. Apple (AAPL), for example, sells many of its iPhones in China. Many other multinational companies from different parts of the world are partly dependent on stable growth in China.美国的科技公司大都以来中国市场维持稳定增长。例如,苹果公司所卖的手机很多都销往中国。除此之外,世界上许多跨国公司的发展也得依靠中国经济的稳定增长。
All the points cited above prove that most major economies in the world are highly intertwined with the goings-on in China, which is why a soft landing of the Chinese economy is needed.以上所述证明了世界主要经济体的发展与中国经济的表现密切相关,同时也是中国经济需要一个软着陆的原因。
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