Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-30 12:15

MH370: 马来西亚宣布飞机失事

本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-1-30 12:17 编辑

【中文标题】MH370: 马来西亚宣布飞机失事【原文标题】MH370: Malaysia declares flight disappearance an accident【更新时间】29 January 2015 Last updated at 15:06【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Relatives are still waiting for answersnearly a year after the crash近一年后,遇难者的家属仍然在等待答案
TheMalaysian government has officially declared the disappearance of MalaysianAirline flight MH370 an accident and says there were no survivors.

No trace of the Beijing-bound aircraft hasbeen found since it disappeared on 8 March 2014.

Officials say that the recovery operationis ongoing but that the 239 people onboard are now presumed dead.

The plane's whereabouts are still unknowndespite a massive international search in the southern Indian Ocean.

The declaration on Thursday should allowcompensation payments to relatives of the victims.

'Deepest sorrow'

Malaysian officials said that the recoveryof the missing aircraft remained a priority and that they had pursued"every credible lead".

Department of Civil Aviation (DCA)Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said that it was "with theheaviest heart and deepest sorrow that we officially declare Malaysia AirlinesFlight MH370 an accident.''

"All 239 of the passengers and crewonboard MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives," he said.

Following Thursday's announcement, China'sforeign ministry called for compensation for the victims' families.

"We call on the Malaysian side tohonour the promise made when they declared the flight to have been lost andearnestly fulfil their compensation responsibilities," spokeswoman HuaChunying said in a statement.

The majority of the passengers on MH370were Chinese.

Despite Thursday's announcement, theMalaysian authorities are not ruling out foul play, reports the BBC's transportcorrespondent Richard Westcott.
尽管在周四发表了声明,但是马来西亚政府没有排除谋杀的可能性,BBC的交通记者Richard Westcott说。

He says it is a legal move designed to helpfamilies claim compensation.

Declaring the missing plane an accidentshould help unlock compensation payments for bereaved relatives 宣布失踪飞机的失事的同时应该对死者家属进行赔偿

Malaysia Airlines said they would becontacting the families to proceed with the compensation process.

But in China, some family members refusedto accept the official position that the plane was lost.
"They have found nothing," saidLi Jingxin whose brother is missing.
"With nothing found, how can they makeany announcement?''
He told the Associated Press news agencythat his family would not accept compensation from the airline at this time.
Analysis:Jennifer Pak, BBC News, Kuala Lumpur
In a pre-recorded statement on national TV,the Malaysian authorities announced that the disappearance of flight MH370 wasan accident and that there were no survivors.
But some families were upset that thegovernment decided on the fate of their loved ones without any concreteevidence.
Others complained on social media that theauthorities should have informed the families before making the announcement.
Ten months on, it is clear that theMalaysian government is struggling to rebuild trust with families of thevictims.
Many have refused to begin the compensationprocess, worrying that if they do then officials will stop searching for theplane.很多家属拒绝开始进行赔偿手续,担心如果他们答应赔偿了,官方就会停止继续寻找飞机。
However, Malaysian Transport Minister LiowTiong Lai says the governments of Malaysia, China and Australia remain firmlycommitted to the ongoing search.然而,马来西亚交通部长Liow Tiong Lai称,中国和澳大利亚仍然坚定的进行搜寻。
Four vessels are currently searching theseafloor with specialised sonar technology in a remote stretch of ocean wherethe plane is believed to have ended its flight. 在一个被认为是飞机失事地点的偏远的海洋地区,四艘船只用专门的声纳技术在海面上搜寻。
Based on analysis of satellite and aircraftperformance data, MH370 is thought to be in seas far west of the Australiancity of Perth.基于卫星和飞机性能数据分析,MH370被认为是在澳大利亚佩斯市西部的海洋里。
The DCA plans to release an interim reporton its crash investigation on 7 March.民航局(DCA)计划在3月7日的事故调查中发布一个中期报告。(A)

沐霜 发表于 2015-1-30 12:36


阳太阳 发表于 2015-1-31 06:44


fourshallot 发表于 2015-1-31 10:55

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