独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-30 23:38


【原文标题】How China Affects The Commodities Markets【中文标题】聚焦中国经济:中国如何影响世界商品市场【文章来源】雅虎【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-affects-commodities-markets-020513624.html

The graph above shows the top five oil consuming economies in the world. The US is at the top of the list, followed by China (FXI), Japan (EWJ), India (EPI), and Saudi Arabia.上图展现了世界前5大石油消费国,排名第一的是美国,其次是中国(FXI)、日本(EWJ)、印度(EPI)和沙特阿拉伯。
China consumes 10.3 million barrels of crude oil (USO) per day. The US consumes 18.5 million barrels a day. The US still consumes almost twice as much crude oil as China. Yet Chinese demand for oil is pivotal. As the number of vehicles have skyrocketed in China, so has the demand for oil in the country.中国和美国每天分别消费1030万桶原油(USO)和1850万桶原油。美国每天消费的原油几乎是中国的两倍。但中国对石油的需求是十分重要的,因为中国的汽车数量在猛涨,同样对石油的需求也大幅度飙升。
With a population of close to 1.35 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. Besides oil, China consumes a whole lot of other commodities as well.中国的人口大约有13.5亿人,是世界上人口最多的国家。除了石油以外,中国还消费许多商品。
China is the world’s largest consumer of steel, iron ore, and coal. China is also the second-highest consumer of gold (GLD), a tad behind India, which consumes most of the yellow metal.中国是世界上钢、铁矿石和煤的最大消费国。中国同时也是黄金第二大消费国,紧跟印度之后。
As you can see, China has a pretty big hand in the commodities markets. A slowdown in China is bad news for commodity-driven countries like Brazil (EWZ), Russia (RSX), South Africa (EZA), and so on.因此可见,中国对商品的需求是很大的。中国经济增速放缓对以出口商品为主的巴西(EWZ)、俄罗斯(RSX)、南非(EZA)等国家是个不利消息。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-31 00:22

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