独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-30 23:39


【原文标题】Per Capita GDP In China Could Slow Down Too【中文标题】聚焦中国经济:人均GDP增速或放缓【文章来源】雅虎【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/per-capita-gdp-china-could-020515510.html

The graph above shows the per capita GDP (gross domestic product) of China. Per capita GDP is the total GDP of an economy, divided by its population. The number is a national average. The per capita GDP in China (FXI) has grown by 129% in the last ten years.上图显示了2004-2014年中国的人均GDP。人均GDP是用一国的GDP除以该国的人口数计算得出。该数字是一个全国平均值。中国人均GDP(FXI)在过去10年间增长了129%。
The per capita GDP is useful for comparing one economy to another, because it shows the relative performance of countries. Unlike the GDP, which shows just the total amount, per capita GDP shows the same, adjusted by the number of citizens.人均GDP用于比较经济体之间的相关数据的差距。与GDP表明总量不同的是,人均GDP不但能反映总量而且会受人口数量的影响。
A rise in per capita GDP usually signals growth in the economy. It could also be construed as an increase in productivity. As well, it’s a measure of the standard of living. The higher the number, the higher the standard of living.人均GDP的增长一般意味着经济的增长,也可以被解读为生产力的提高。同时它还是生活水平的一种衡量方法,人均GDP越高,生活水平就越高。
The per capita GDP of China increases every year, even when adjusted for inflation. Still, it’s much lower than the per capita GDP of developed markets (EFA) like Japan (EWJ), Europe (EZU), and the US (SPY), where the numbers are all well over $30,000. Meanwhile, China could catch up within a few decades, if it continues to grow at this rate.中国即使在调控通货膨胀的情况下人均GDP也逐年上升。然而,中国的人均GDP还是远低于人均GDP均超过3万美元的日本(EWJ)、欧洲(EZU)和美国(SPY)等发达市场经济体(EFA)。与此同时,中国经济如增速能够保持目前水平,那么中国人均GDP也将在几十年后达到那个水平。
But let’s assume China grows at around 7%, unlike the higher growth rates it’s seen in the recent past. If its population grows by 1.4%, then the 50-year average, per capita GDP growth will be much lower than in the past.假设中国经济增速比过去放缓而保持在7%左右,如果人口增速为1.4%,那么未来50年人均GDP增速的平均值将会比过去更小。
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