Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-31 18:23


【中文标题】睡觉时间“对运动有很大的影响”【英文标题】Bedtime 'has huge impact on sport'【原文链接】【更新时间】30 January 2015 Last updated at 05:28【原文来源】【正文】Can Real Madrid's success be down to alater society?皇马的成功可以归结为一个后来的社会吗?
Our internal body clock has such a dramaticimpact on sporting ability that it could alter the chances of Olympic gold, sayresearchers.研究人员称,我们内部的生物钟对我们的运动能力有一个戏剧性的影响,这可以改变奥运会的金牌得主。
Early risers reached their athletic peakaround lunchtime, while night owls were best in the evening.早起的人在午餐时间达到了他们的运动高峰期,夜猫子最好的运动时期是在晚上。
The researchers say it could even explainwhy Spanish teams have more success in European football.研究人员说这甚至可以解释为什么西班牙队在欧洲足球里获得更多的成功。
The body clock controls everything - fromalertness to the risk of a heart attack - in a daily rhythm.

Some aspects of sporting ability werethought to peak in early afternoon but a study in the journal Current Biologysuggests each competitor's sleeping habits have a powerful impact.体育的某些方面被认为是在午后达到巅峰,但是《当代生物学》的一项研究表明每个竞争者的睡眠习惯都有着强大的影响力。
They took 20 female hockey players andasked them to perform a series of 20m runs in shorter and shorter times.他们选取了20名女性曲棍球球员,要求他们在越来越短的时间内跑完20米。
And they did it at six different times ofday between 07:00 and 22:00.他们在一天的7点到22点之间跑了6次。
The results showed a peak performance inlate afternoon, but then the scientists looked separately at early-type people,late-type people and those in the middle.研究结果显示在傍晚的时候,运动达到了峰值,但是科学家们分别对在早上达到运动峰值、晚上达到运动峰值以及在中午达到运动峰值的人进行了研究。
This time the gap between the best andworst times was 26%, and a far more complicated picture emerged.这个时候在最好的和最坏时间之间的差距位26%,同时,一个更加复杂的画面出现了。
Larks - or early risers - peaked at 12:00云雀——或者早起的人——在中午12点的时候达到峰值
Intermediate types peaked just before 16:00中间类型的人在下午4点前达到峰值
Owls - or late types - peaked not longbefore 20:00猫头鹰——晚睡的类型——在晚上8点前达到峰值
Lead researcher Dr Roland Brandstaettertold the BBC News website: "Athletes and coaches would benefit greatly ifthey knew when optimal or suboptimal performance time was."首席研究员Roland Brandstaetter博士告诉BBC网站:“如果运动员和教练知道最佳以及第二佳的时间的话,他们会大大受益。”
He said a 1% difference in performancewould be the difference between fourth place and a medal in many Olympicevents.他说表现的1%的差别将是在很多奥运会比赛上第四名和奖牌得主之间的差别。
Body clocks can be adjusted. Jet lag iswhen you feel rough before adjusting to a new time.生物钟是可以调整的。时差反应是在你觉得困难之前调整到一个新的时间。
"So if you're an earlytype in a competition in the evening, then you're impaired, so you could adjustsleeping times to the competition," Dr Brandstaetter said.“所以如果比赛是在晚上,但是你是属于早起的人,然后你受到了影响,那么你就可以针对此次比赛调整睡眠时间,” Brandstaetter 说。
He said such body-clockproblems "absolutely" contributed to England's struggles in the pinnacleof European football - the Champions League.他说这样的生物钟问题“绝对地”导致英格兰在欧洲足坛的顶峰——冠军联赛中的竞争。
"You have players that doextraordinarily well in the English Premier League at 15:00, but they suddenlydon't perform as well in the evening in the Champions League," he said.
“在下午三点的英超联赛中你有球员表现得很好,但是他们在晚上的冠军联赛中并没有表现得像下午一样好,”他说。He argued Spanish society, which runs a bitlater in the day, may be giving teams from that country an advantage.
Early-riser Emily Defroand (left) took partin the trial早起者Emily Defroand(左)参与比赛
Emily Defroand, a 20-year-old who took partin the study and said the findings were "scarily realistic".Emily Defroand, 20岁的她参与了这项研究并且说这一发现“是可怕的现实”。
She is an early riser, that rare studenthappy to get up at 07:30 in the morning.她是一个早起的人,很少有学生愿意在早上7:30起床。
She said: "Our Saturday matches are at12:30, and I think that's perfect for me. Any later and I feel a bit tired andneed a few more energy drinks to get me going."她说:“我们的周六比赛在12:30举行,我认为对于我来说是非常完美的。之后,我感觉优点累了,并且需要更多的能量饮料让我继续比赛。”
It is in stark contrast to her team-mateOlivia Chilton.这与她的队友Olivia Chilton形成鲜明对比。
She said: 'I'd get up at 11:00 if I couldget away with it. I much prefer training late afternoon or evening.她说:“如果我可以侥幸成功的话,我可以11点起床。我更倾向于在傍晚或者晚上进行锻炼。”
"In the morning, I honestly feelhalf-asleep in the warm-up, I just don't feel alert, for tracking and hittingthe ball, I don't feel on it."“早晨,在热身活动中我会真的感到非常的困倦,我不觉得我的心思真正的放在跟球和击球上,我没有感到非常的警惕。”
New talent后起之秀
Dr Brandstaetter said this provided an importantlesson for talent-spotting.Brandstaetter博士说这给物色新人提供了重要的一课。
"It takes placemore or less in adolescents, but we know half of them are owls, yet almost allcases of talent-spotting are during the school hours," he said.“这种现象或多或少发生在青少年当中,但是我们知道他们中的一半都是猫头鹰,然而几乎所有的物色新人的活动都是在学校的时间内进行的,”他说。
"That is when they are in the range of70-80% of peak performance, so we are missing out on a huge number of highperformers by testing at the wrong time of day."“这就是当他们在70%-80%的峰值范围内,所以我们在一天内错误的时间里测试,错过了大量的高质量的能力者。”
Commenting on the findings, Dr ThomasKantermann, from the University of Groningen and the scientific manager of theChronoCity project in Germany, told the BBC: "The study adds to ourunderstanding about the importance of circadian biology andinternal time in physical performance.来自格罗宁根大学和德国Chrono City项目的科技经理Thomas Kantermann博士对此发现做出了评论,他告诉BBC:“这项研究加深了我们对于生理生物学(生物钟)和身体性能内部时间的理解”
"Only by taking internaltime into account can true and fair assessments of human performance becomepossible.“只有通过考虑到内部时间才能够使对于人类表现的真实性和公平性的评价成为可能。”
"The current paper supports ourprevious research and nicely paves the way for more fruitful circadian studiesin the future."“当前的文献支持我们先前的研究,并且很好的为以后更加丰硕的生理研究铺平道路。”(A)

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-31 18:47

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