Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-31 18:30


【中文标题】俄罗斯的利率从17%减到15%【原文标题】Russia cuts interest rates from 17% to 15%【原文链接】【更新时间】30 January 2015 Last updated at 12:44【原文来源】【正文】
Russia has cut its main interest rate from17% to 15% because inflation "is stabilising".由于通货膨胀的形式“稳定”,俄罗斯将其主要利率从17%降到15%。
The rouble fell by more than 2% against thedollar following the central bank announcement.央行公布,卢布兑美元的汇率下跌超过2%。
Russia's economy has been suffering for arange of reasons, including economic sanctions by the West over its involvementin the crisis in Ukraine.俄罗斯的经济遭遇了一系列的问题,包括在乌克兰危机中,来自西方的经济制裁与它自身的参与。
This week the government said it would putmeasures in place to try to stave off an economic crisis.本周,政府表示将会适当采取措施来避免一场经济危机。
The measures included investing at least2.34 trillion roubles ($35bn, £23bn) in the economy, following a collapse inoil prices and the rouble.措施实施在油价和卢布价格暴跌之后,在经济中投资至少2.34万亿卢布(350亿美元,230亿英镑)。
Rouble trouble
The Bank of Russia said the interest ratecould be cut "due to the shift in the balance of risks of acceleratedconsumer price growth and cooling economy."俄罗斯央行表示利率可以减少(因为在加速的消费者价格增长和逐渐冷却的经济的平衡之间要有一个转变的过程)。
The rouble fell around 2.4% against thedollar on the news, leaving the dollar worth more than 70 roubles.在新闻上,卢布兑美元的汇率下跌了大约2.4%,使一美元的价值超过70卢布。
Against the pound, the rouble was tradingaround 3% lower.卢布兑英镑,卢布的交易低了3%左右。
Analysis:Andrew Walker, BBC WorldService economics correspondent分析:Andrew Walker,BBC世界服务经济记者
The Bank of Russia faces an unenviabledilemma.俄罗斯银行面临这一个麻烦的困境。
High inflation - 11.4% last year - callsfor higher interest rates and that was the Bank's focus last month when it didjust that.高通货膨胀率——去年11.4%——要求更高的利率,这就是俄罗斯银行上个月的关注点。
This time it has shifted its attention towhat it calls, with more than a hint of euphemism, a cooling economy.这次把注意力转移到了所谓的“冷却的经济”,一个较委婉的暗示。
In fact the International Monetary Fundforecasts the economy will contract this year, by 3% and in 2016, by 1%.事实上,国际货币基金组织预测今年的经济将会萎缩3%,2016年将萎缩1%。
The Bank explains the change in policy bysaying expectations about the currency and inflation have stabilised.银行解释说政策的变化表明货币和通货膨胀的预期已经趋于稳定。
The point is that if people involved insetting prices and pay think the situation has stabilised it's more likely thatit will.涉及的观点是,如果人们参与价格的制定和支付的话,会认为情形已经稳定了。
Still inflation remains high,and so does the central bank's key interest rate.通货膨胀依旧居高不下,中央银行的基准利率也是如此。
Liza Ermolenko, an emerging marketseconomist at Capital Economics, told the BBC thatone of the main reasons for the rate cut was the Russian government's concernsabout growth.Liza Ermolenko, 凯投宏观的一位新市场经济学家告诉BBC记者,利率减少的一个主要原因是俄罗斯政府对增长的担忧。
However, given the problems in the economy,she said: "It's unlikely that this move will have a significant impactthis year. Russia will still experience a very deep recession."然而,考虑到经济问题,她说:“这一举措不太可能会对今年的经济有很大的影响。俄罗斯将会经历一个非常严重的经济衰退。”
"Modest cuts are unlikely to changethe bigger picture," she added.“适度削减不会改变更大的局面,”她说。
The interest rate is still extremely high,she said, and the economy is vulnerable to low oil prices and concerns aboutfurther sanctions.利率仍然非常高,她说,整个经济容易受到低油价和对进一步制裁关心的影响。
Nevertheless, the high interest rate may becushioning the rouble against other currencies.然而,高利率可能会缓和卢布对其他货币的汇率。
"The fall in the rouble has beenrelatively limited - the fall has not been as sharp as you'd expect, inrelation to the context of recent movements," she said.“卢布的下降是相对有限的——下降的幅度没有你想象的那么急剧,这是和最近的形势有联系的,”她说。
In December, the rouble suffered steepfalls after falling oil prices and sanctions.去年12月,在油价下跌和制裁后,卢布价格大幅下跌。
Russia drastically raised its interest ratein December – from 10.5% to 17% - to try to stem the rouble decline.俄罗斯在12月份大幅度提高利率——从10.5%提高到17%——试图阻止卢布下跌。
The halving over the past year of energyprices has hit Russia's income.能源价格在过去的一年时间里把俄罗斯的收入减半。
The value of the rouble has plummetedpretty much in tandem, with the weaker currency making imports more expensive.卢布价值的暴跌与使进口商品更加昂贵的货币贬值现象是一致的。
That has pushed up Russia's inflation rateto 9%, despite the lower price of energy, which would usually bring down theoverall inflation rate, as can indeed by seen in Friday's eurozone inflationfigures.

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-31 18:47


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-31 19:15

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