Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-31 18:38


【中文标题】谷歌和数据监管机构达成协议将修改其隐私政策【原文标题】Google agrees privacy policy changes with data watchdog【更新时间】30 January 2015 Last updated at 13:39【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Google's privacy policy was found to be"too vague"谷歌的隐私政策被认为“太含糊”。
Google hasagreed to rewrite its privacy policy after pressure from the UK InformationCommissioner's Office.在英国信息监管机构的施压下,谷歌已同意修改其隐私政策。
The firm mustmake it easier for users to find out how their data is collected and what it isused for and submit to a two-year review.谷歌必须让用户能轻易地知道他们电脑里的数据是如何被收集的,并用于何处。谷歌必须提交一个为期两年的审查。
The dealfollows an investigation by the regulator. Similar reviews are continuingelsewhere in Europe.该协议来源于英国监管机构的调查。欧洲其他地方也在进行类似的调查。
It isunderstood that Google will seek to strike a similar deal with other Europeanregulators.据了解,谷歌将寻求和其他欧洲监管机构达成类似的协议。
TheInformation Commissioner's Office (ICO) found that Google was "too vaguewhen describing how it uses personal data gathered from its web services andproducts".信息监管办公室(ICO)发现谷歌“在描述其如何使用其网络服务和产品来收集用户个人数据资料时太模糊”。
The regulator- along with its continental counterparts - began looking into the MountainView firm after its controversial privacy policy update in March 2012, whichcombined 70 existing documents.该监管机构 - 连同其大陆同行 - 开始调查自2012年3月起山景公司具有争议的隐私策略,其中有70份现有的文档。
It was joinedby other data regulators, which form the European Article 29 Data ProtectionWorking Party.它也加入了其他数据监管机构,形成了欧洲29条数据保护工作小组。
The head ofFrance's privacy watchdog pictured in 2012 as she ordered Google to fix itsprivacy policy or face legal action图为2012年法国隐私监察机构的领导,她下令谷歌修改其隐私政策,否则将面临法律诉讼。
Following theinvestigation, Google has agreed to ensure that its privacy policy is moreaccessible and redesign its account settings feature to allow users to find itscontrols more easily.调查之后,谷歌已经同意确保其隐私政策更加公开透明,并重新设计用户帐户设置功能,让用户能更容易地找到相关设置选项。
It will alsoprovide "unambiguous and comprehensive information regarding dataprocessing, including an exhaustive list of the types of data processed byGoogle and the purposes for which data is processed".谷歌也将提供“关于数据处理明确全面的信息,其中包括由谷歌处理的数据种类的详细列表和这些数据用于处理的目的”。
Among otherclarifications, Google will have to include information about who may collect"anonymous identifiers" - which are similar to cookies - and thepurposes to which they put that data.其他方面,谷歌必须提交包括关于谁可能会收集“匿名标识符”的信息(这类似于浏览器中的cookies)和他们收集这些数据的目的。
It will alsobe made to ensure that "passive users are better informed about theprocessing of their data". The ICO defines passive users as people who useGoogle, but who are not signed in.谷歌还被要求保证“被动的用户能更好地了解他们的数据是被怎么处理的”。ICO把被动的用户定义为使用谷歌但没有登录的人。
Google hasuntil 30 June 2015 to implement the changes and it is believed it will roll outa single policy across the European Union in order to satisfy each of theregulators that opened investigations.谷歌已经在2015年6月30日实施新策略,相信它会推出一个整个欧盟都统一的政策,以满足每个立案调查的监管机构。
It has alsodropped appeals related to investigations being undertaken by the French andSpanish watchdogs.谷歌也放弃对正在开展调查的法国和西班牙监管机构的上诉。
"Thisundertaking marks a significant step forward following a long investigation andextensive dialogue," said Steve Eckersley, the ICO's head of enforcement.“这个承诺标志着在长期调查和广泛对话中一个显著的进步,” ICO的负责人史蒂夫埃克斯利说。
He added:"Whilst our investigation concluded that this case hasn't resulted insubstantial damage and distress to consumers, it is still important fororganisations to properly understand the impact of their actions and therequirement to comply with data protection law."他补充说:“虽然我们的调查得出结论,现在这种情况并没有给用户造成实质性的伤害和困扰,但是企业遵守数据保护法,正确理解数据保护法中的要求,知道他们的行为产生的影响依然很重要。”
A Googlespokesman said: "We're pleased that the ICO has decided to close its investigation.We have agreed improvements to our privacy policy and will continue to workconstructively with the Commissioner and his team in the future."一位谷歌发言人表示:“我们很高兴地看到,ICO已经决定停止其调查,我们已经同意改善我们的隐私政策,今后将会继续与专员和他的团队开展建设性的工作。”

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-1-31 18:48


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-1-31 19:21


laotouzi 发表于 2015-1-31 19:22

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