Annie2014 发表于 2015-1-31 18:57


【中文标题】谷歌利润上涨但未达预期【原文标题】Google profits up but revenue misses expectations【原文链接】【更新时间】29 January 2015 Last updated at 22:09【原文来源】【正文】Internet giant Google reportedfourth-quarter profits of $4.76bn (£3.16bn), up nearly 30% from the same perioda year before, but revenue missed Wall Street expectations.互联网巨头谷歌公布第四季度利润为47.6亿美元(31.6亿英镑),比上一年同期上涨近30%,但收入未达到华尔街的预期。
The company's revenue increased by 15% to$18bn - nearly the same amount as Apple's profit last quarter.公司的收入增加了15%,高达180亿美元——几乎与苹果上一季度的利润持平。
Google, like other US firms, was hurt bythe strength of the US dollar.谷歌和其他美国公司一样,受到美元的重创。
It said revenues would have been $541mhigher had foreign exchange rates been more favourable.据称,如果对外汇率更有利一些,收入将高达5.41亿美元。
The cost-per-click - or the amount Googlecan charge advertisers for placing ads on its network - decreased by 3% overthe quarter, indicating that Google is still having difficulty raising theprice it charges for mobile ads.按点击量付费--谷歌把广告放在网页收取的广告费--在整个季度里下降了3%,这表明谷歌仍然难以提高移动广告的价格收费。
The metric is closely watched by investors,who worry that the firm's mobile ad business is not as strong as its desktopsearch business - which is troubling, given that consumers are increasinglyswitching to accessing the internet on their smartphones and mobile devices.指标受到投资者的密切关注,他们担心该公司的移动广告业务并不像其桌面搜索业务那样获利——这是令人不安的,鉴于消费者越来越多地转用智能手机和移动设备访问互联网。
Google shares dipped nearly 2% in tradingafter markets had closed, but recovered later in the evening.谷歌股价在收盘时下跌2%,但在晚上恢复。
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