独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-31 21:45


【原文标题】Falling Chinese GDP Growth Rate Is Affecting Major Markets【中文标题】聚焦中国经济:GDP增速放缓影响世界经济【文章来源】雅虎【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/falling-chinese-gdp-growth-rate-220834125.html;_ylt=AwrBEiQamcxURlcAFhvQtDMD
Russ explains why the outlook for the global economic recovery has become so intertwined with the outlook for the Chinese economy.World markets and financial media seem to react to every new data point about China’s economy, whether it’s manufacturing reports or gross domestic product numbers. This market sensitivity isn’t very surprising given how important China has become for the global economy. But it also means that it will be hard for the global recovery to continue without a soft landing in China.无论是关于中国的工业还是GDP,国际市场和财经媒体似乎对中国经济的每一项新数据都有所反应。基于中国经济对全球经济的重要性,这种敏感性则不足为奇。同时这也意味着,如果中国经济无法软着陆,全球经济就很难以回暖。

The graph above shows year-over-year Chinese GDP (gross domestic product) growth since 2012. The Chinese GDP growth rate has been declining since 2011. China (FXI) had long periods of mid-teen growth rates in the past. Recently though, China posted its weakest annual growth rate in 24 years.上图展示了2012年到2014年期间中国GDP的年增速。中国(FXI)在过去曾有一大段时间GDP增速在10%以上,但从2012年开始,中国GDP增速开始下降。最近数据显示,2014年中国GDP增速创下24年来的新低。
In spite of a better-than-expected growth rate in 4Q14, more stimulus measures are widely expected in 2015, as deflationary pressures persist. Also, the slowdown in the real estate market is expected to continue.尽管2014年第四季度中国GDP增速好于预期,2015年中国预计会出台更多的刺激政策来抵抗持续的通货紧缩压力。
Global markets (QWLD) (ACWI) have been affected in the last few months because China has showed clear signs of slowing down. That’s why the adage “if China sneezes, the world catches a cold” is so apt. Previously, the US would have been the one with the worrisome runny nose.世界市场过去几个月也因中国经济放缓出现不良反应。这就是不难理解“如果中国经济咳嗽一下,那么世界经济就感冒”的说法了。
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