独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-31 21:47

【BBC 20150129】中国去年引资超越美国跃居全球第一

【原文标题】China overtakes US for foreign direct investment【中文标题】中国去年引资超越美国跃居全球第一【文章来源】BBC【文章链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/business-31052566

China has overtaken the US as the top destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), for the first time since 2003.2014年中国成为全球外国投资的第一大目的地国,为2003年以来首次超过美国跃居榜首。
Last year, foreign firms invested $128bn (£84,8bn) in China, and $86bn in the US, according to the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development.据联合国贸易和发展会议数据显示,2014年外国企业在中国投资规模达到1280亿美元(848亿英镑),在美国则为860亿美元。
The growth in China's foreign investment benefitted the services sector as manufacturing slowed.在制造业放缓的情况下,外国直接投资的增长有利于服务业的发展。
Globally, foreign investment fell by 8% to a total of $1.26tn last year.That was the second lowest level since the start of the financial crisis, partly due to the "fragility" of the global economy last year amid geopolitical risks.受全球经济的疲软和地缘政治的影响,2014年全球外国直接投资金额1.26万亿美元,同比下降8%,这是金融危机以来的第二低点。

US investment drop美国吸引外国直接投资规模下降

"FDI flows to developed countries dropped by 14% to an estimated $511bn, significantly affected by a large divestment in the United States," the report said.报告称,受到外国直接投资在美国的大幅度下滑,2014年外国直接投资在发达国家的规模仅约为5110亿美元,同比下降14%。
US investment fell by two-thirds last year, mainly due to US firm Verizon buying back $130bn worth of shares in a joint venture from Vodafone in the UK.由于美国公司Verizon以1300亿美元收购英国公司Vodafone所持股权,美国吸引外国直接投资规模下降了三分之二。
The US is now third in the world for foreign investment, behind China and Hong Kong.Its foreign investment fell by 63% last year, compared to 2013.2014美国吸收外国直接投资规模同比下降63%,排名世界第三,落后于中国大陆和香港。

However, the UN agency said the strengthening of the US economy and the pick up in demand from lower oil prices would "favourably" affect foreign investment this year.然而,联合国贸易和发展会议称,美国经济回暖以及油价下降导致的美国国内需求增加将会对2015年美国吸收外国投资的规模产生正面的影响。

c0215 发表于 2015-1-31 23:14

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