独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-1-31 21:53

【路透社 20150131】中国工商总局局长见马云 白皮书无效

【原文标题】Alibaba meets with China regulator, controversial report retracted【中文标题】中国工商总局局长见马云 白皮书无效【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/chinas-alibaba-meets-commerce-regulator-over-fake-product-152657229--finance.html

The head of China's commerce regulator met with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd chairman Jack Ma on Friday to discuss combating fake products, the official Xinhua news agency reported, with the two adopting a conciliatory tone after a row over illegal business on the Internet company's platforms.中国工商总局局长周五会见阿里巴巴集团总裁马云就打击淘宝平台假冒产品展开讨论,双方将合作共同打假。
The meeting took place the same day the regulator, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), backtracked on an earlier report that had excoriated the Chinese online commerce company for not doing enough to suppress counterfeiting on its websites.同一天,中国工商总局撤消在网站发布的指责淘宝打假力度不够的报告书。
SAIC issued what it called a "white paper" on Wednesday saying many products sold on Alibaba's websites infringed on trademarks, or were banned, substandard or fake. White papers often convey official policy positions.这份被称为“白皮书”的报告在本周三发布,报告称淘宝平台上销售的大量产品涉嫌侵犯商标权,或者是违禁品、次品和赝品。白皮书作为一种官方文件,代表政府立场。
But in a follow-up statement posted on its website on Friday, a spokesman for the regulator said the report was in fact not a white paper and carried no legal force.但本周五中国国家工商总局发言人称该白皮书不具有法律效力。
"The most recent SAIC posting speaks for itself. We feel vindicated," Alibaba said in a statement in response.阿里巴巴则在一份声明中回应:“工商总局的做法程序失当、情绪执法。我们是无辜的。”
It's unclear what prompted the regulator's seeming about-face in a highly unusual episode, one that saw a major Chinese corporation clash publicly with an influential government organization.目前尚未清楚在这次阿里巴巴叫板工商总局事件中,该局态度出现大转变的原因。
While it remains unclear whether the SAIC intended any specific action against Alibaba or counterfeiting in general, analysts said the incident reminded investors of the political risk inherent in Chinese companies, that the country's regulators may clamp down on business activities with little warning.尽管不清楚国家工商总局是针对阿里巴巴还是假冒伪劣商品,但分析家认为投资者应该注意到中国公司内部存在的政治风险,中国政府部门也许会在没有提醒的情况下打击商业活动。
In the meeting with the SAIC on Friday, Ma promised to "actively cooperate with the government (and) devote more capital" to weeding out fake goods, according to Xinhua.周五和工商总局举行的会议中,马云承诺将“积极与政府合作,投入更多资金打击假冒商品。”
Zhang Mao, minister of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), said the company had made good efforts in safeguarding consumer interests and added his agency should find new modes of oversight for e-commerce.中国工商总局局长张茅称,淘宝在保护消费者权益方面取得做出了很大努力,但同时要创新网络监管方式来解决一些存在的问题。
Alibaba vice-chairman Joseph Tsai called the SAIC's initial report "flawed," and said the firm was preparing to file a formal complaint.阿里巴巴集团副主席蔡崇信称该白皮书是“有误的”,并称该公司决定提起正式投诉。

难忘艳阳天 发表于 2015-1-31 22:00


难忘艳阳天 发表于 2015-1-31 22:00


易八泰 发表于 2015-2-1 07:35

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