独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-1 14:50

【路透社 20150201】中国1月官方制造业PMI跌至49.8

【原文标题】China manufacturing unexpectedly shrinks in January【中文标题】中国1月官方制造业PMI跌至49.8【文章来源】法新社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-manufacturing-unexpectedly-shrinks-january-govt-030549102.html;_ylt=AwrBJR9mr81UpAYAkDrQtDMD
China's manufacturing activity contracted for the first time in more than two years in January, an official survey showed Sunday, signalling further downward pressure on the world's second-largest economy.The official Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) came in at 49.8 last month, down from 50.1 recorded in December.中国1月官方制造业PMI为49.8,为两年多来首次跌破50,比去年12月下降了0.3。这则消息也意味着中国经济增速有可能进一步放缓。
The index, which tracks activity in factories and workshops, is considered a key indicator of the health of China's economy, a major driver of global growth. A figure above 50 signals expansion, while anything below indicates contraction.PMI指数反映制造业的整体增长或衰退,是中国经济状况的关键指标。PMI指数大于50表示经济增长而低于50则表示经济衰退。
January's figure was the first contraction for 27 months.这是27个月以来中国PMI首次低于50.
British banking giant HSBC said last month that a preliminary reading of its own PMI edged up to 49.8 in January from a final reading of 49.6 in December. It was at the break-even point of 50.0 in November.The bank is scheduled to release its final PMI figure on Monday.英国银行巨头汇丰银行上月称,1月中国汇丰PMI初值为49.8,较去年12月的49.6有所上涨。去年11月中国汇丰PMI为平衡状态50。该行将于下周一公布中国1月的汇丰PMI指数。
ANZ Banking Group said in a research report that the NBS figures were unexpected, particularly given "favourable seasonal factors".澳纽银行集团在一份研究报告中称,中国国家统计局的数字超出了预期值,但季节因素有一定的促进影响。
"The Chinese New Year falls into late February this year, while it was in late January last year," ANZ said.澳纽银行集团称:“2015年1月是今年春节的前一个月。”
"Past experience suggests that there could be significant front loading effect before the Chinese New Year, which would provide short-term impetus to the manufacturing industry."“从过去的经验可以推断,春节的临近可以在短期内刺激制造业的增长。”
China's central bank surprised economists in November by cutting benchmark interest rates for the first time in more than two years, in a move interpreted as an attempt to shore up flagging growth.中国人民银行去年11月意外地两年多来首次下降了银行利率基准点,许多人认为这是中国为了支撑放缓的经济而实行的政策。
The People's Bank of China lowered its one-year rate for deposits by 25 basis points to 2.75 percent and its one-year lending rate by 40 basis points to 5.6 percent.中国人民银行规定存款利息年率为2.75%,下降了25%,而贷款利息年率为5.6%,下降了40%。
The Chinese economy is struggling with not just stalling factory growth, but also other problems including soft exports and the weakening property market.中国不但面临着停滞的制造业增长,同样还面对着出口和房地产疲软等问题。
It grew 7.4 percent in 2014, slower than the 7.7 percent in 2013 and the worst since the 3.8 percent recorded in 1990.2014年中国经济增长为7.4%,比2013年的7.7%有所下降,同时也是1990年的3.8%以来经济增长最低的一年。
Authorities had for months used various kinds of limited stimulatory measures such as targeted cuts in bank reserve requirements -- aimed at freeing up funds for lending -- and a cash injection into the country's five biggest banks for re-lending.中国官方近几个月出台了各种经济刺激政策,比如为了扩张贷款而降低银行准备金利率,以及投放资金支持中国五大银行的再贷款政策。
But top leaders say they are ready to tolerate slower expansion and will avoid aggressive measures to boost growth as the government seeks to shift the economy away from its dependence on investment and exports towards more sustainable consumer-driven growth.但有高层领导称因为政府要进行经济改革,要从投资-出口增长模式转向消费推动增长的模式,这样经济更具可持续性。因此他们能接受经济增速放缓,并要避免制定为促进经济增长的激进措施。
Premier Li Keqiang said last month at the World Economic Forum in Davos that he was determined to bring changes that would deliver "quality growth" rather than just a high top-line figure.中国总理李克强去年12月在达沃斯年会中发言称,中国决心改革经济,要让经济从追求量的增长变为质的增长。
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