独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-1 23:15

【路透社 20150131】消息人士:松下在华不再造电视机

【原文标题】Panasonic withdraws from TV production in China: source【中文标题】消息人士:松下在华不再造电视机【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/31/panasonic-china-tv-idUSL4N0VA03420150131
Panasonic Corp has stopped making TVs in China and plans to liquidate its joint venture in Shandong, a company source said on Saturday, the latest in a string of Japanese electronics companies exiting overseas TV markets amid strong pricing pressure.据消息人士本周六透露,松下公司在中国不再制造电视机,并计划将在山东的电视机业务进行清算。由于价格的强劲压力,许多日本电子公司宣布在海外市场停产电视机。
The source, who did not want to be identified because the move had not yet been announced to the roughly 300 workers at the Shandong plant, said Panasonic ended production there on Friday.这位消息人士之所以不透露个人信息是因为松下公司周五已经在中国山东停产,但这个决定并未通知工厂大约300名的工人。
The Nikkei earlier reported that Panasonic would withdraw from TV production in China and Mexico. The report said the company was expected to sell the Mexican plant, which has produced about 500,000 units a year, most of which were shipped to the United States.日本财经新闻称,松下在中国和墨西哥将停产电视机。报告称松下计划出售在墨西哥的工厂。松下在墨西哥每年产50万台电视,当中的大部分销往美国。
Reuters could not confirm the company's plans to exit Mexico. It currently has two plants in that country, part of the company's nine TV manufacturing plants, excluding Shandong.路透社尚未能确认松下从撤走墨西哥的消息。不包括中国山东在内,松下目前在全球拥有9个电视机制造厂,其中两个建在墨西哥。
A fierce price war has made the global TV market unprofitable for many Japanese electronics makers. Panasonic said in late October it was transferring its unprofitable Sanyo television unit in the U.S., which supplies sets to Wal-Mart Stores, to Funai Electric in return for royalties.激烈的价格战许多日本电子公司的电视机产业无利可图。松下去年10月称,旗下品牌三洋电视将会出美国市场。三洋曾是美国沃尔玛的电视供应商,退出美国市场后,该品牌在美国的使用权将转移给船井使用。
Toshiba Corp said on Thursday that it would stop making and selling TVs in North America and was considering similar exits from other countries.东芝集团周四称将在北美停止制造和销售电视机,而在其他国家也有类似打算。
Sharp Corp has licensed its TV brand in Europe to Universal Media Corp Slovakia as part of an effort to trim costs and pull back from loss-making operations. Sony Corp has spun off its struggling TV business into a separate entity, although CEO Kazuo Hirai has said the company does not plan to sell or shut down the unit. 夏普公司已将在欧洲的电视机生产和销售授权给斯洛伐克环球电子公司,而夏普将从亏损严重的欧洲市场抽身,仅收取授权后的品牌服务费。索尼公司已把电视机业务拆分为独立子公司,但索尼CEO平井一夫称索尼没有打算出卖或者停止电视机业务。
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