独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-2 23:20


【原文标题】Good US-India ties pose no threat to China: Obama【中文标题】奥巴马:美印友好关系对中国并无威胁【文章来源】德干先驱报(印度)【文章链接】http://www.deccanherald.com/content/457200/good-us-india-ties-pose.html
President Barack Obama has said China should not feel threatened by good relations between the US and India, as he cautioned the Communist giant against "bullying" small countries like Vietnam or the Philippines on maritime issues.美国总统奥巴马称,中国不应该对美印友好关系感觉受到威胁,同时他也提醒中国切勿在领海问题上“欺负”像越南或菲律宾这样的小国。

"I was surprised when I heard that the Chinese government had put out these statements...China doesn't need to be threatened because we have good relations with India," Obama said in his first comments on China's reaction to his unprecedented second visit to India as president.对于奥巴马第二次访问印度中国所发表的看法, 奥巴马称:“我对中国政府的发言感到惊讶……对于美印友好关系,中国不需要感觉受到威胁。”
Obama referred to his November visit to China and said he had some very successful meetings with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.奥巴马提及11月访华,称与中国国家主席习近平成功举行了会谈。
Commenting on Obama's visit to India, China's state-run media had said India must not fall into the trap of rivalry set by the West to support the US' "pivot to Asia" strategy, mainly devised to counter the Communist nation's rise.对奥巴马访问印度一事,中国中央电视台称“印度切勿掉进西方为支持美国‘重返亚太’、‘牵制中国崛起’而设立的圈套。”
"My belief is that in this moment in history, there's an opportunity to create a win-win formula in which all countries are abiding by a common set of rules and standards and we're focused on lifting up prosperity for our people, not at the expense of others, but together with each other. That's what my discussions with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi have focused on," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.奥巴马在接受CNN记者Fareed Zakaria访问时说:“我深信在这个历史的节点上,世界上所有的国家都可以通过遵守共同制定的规则和标准取得互利共赢的局面,我们通过与他国合作而非损害他国利益的方法为国民带来繁荣昌盛。这就是我和印度总理莫迪会话的重点。”
He said he has continuously emphasised that it is very much in the US interest to see a peaceful rise of China.他称,美国将一如既往地欢迎中国的和平崛起。
"What's dangerous for us is a destabilised and impoverished and disintegrating China. It's much better for us if China is doing well," he said in the interview, which was recorded in New Delhi during his three-day India trip.在访印期间,奥巴马称“动荡的、贫穷的、破碎的中国对我们才是真正的威胁。中国好我们才好。”
"But what we've said since the start of my term in office is China's growth shouldn't be at the expense of other folks. It shouldn't bully small countries like Vietnam or Philippines around maritime issues, but try to resolve those peacefully in accordance with international law. It shouldn't manipulate its currencies to get itself trading advantages that others don't have," Obama asserted.他还提到:“但是从我上任以来我就一直说过,中国的崛起不应该建立在其他国家的牺牲之上。中国不应该在领海问题上欺负越南、菲律宾这样的小国。中国应该根据国际法律通过和平谈判的手段解决争端。中国不应该为了获取贸易优势而操控人民币汇率。”
"Sometimes we've been successful in getting a response from China on those issues. Sometimes less so. I care deeply about China's success. I want to make sure that we continue to maintain a constructive relationship," he said.他说:“我们有时候会得到中国对这些问题的回应,有时却得不到。我对中国的成功很关注。我想要确认我们还保持着建设性伙伴的关系。”
"There's no doubt that there are aspects of India that make us closer to India. Specifically, it's a democracy and it reflects the values and aspirations as well as some of the warts of our own country in a way that China could not. And so that I think there's an affinity there that I feel personally and I think the American people feel as well," Obama said.奥巴马说:“不可否认,印度很多方面都让我们感觉美国和印度更亲近。具体一点来说,印度也是一个民主国家,它能反映美国的价值观和抱负甚至一些缺点,而这些都是中国所不具备的。因此我觉得美国和印度有种亲近感,我觉得美国人民也拥有同样想法。”
China had last year warned India against meddling in its dispute with Vietnam over islands in the South China Sea. It claims almost all of the South China Sea, while Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam contests the Chinese claims on the resource-rich region.中国去年警告印度切勿干涉中国和越南在南海问题上的争端。中国声称南海是其领海,而文莱、马来西亚、菲律宾、台湾和越南则驳斥中国的这一说法。
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