独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-3 22:05

【路透社 20150203】上海迪士尼乐园推迟至明年上半年开放

【原文标题】Shanghai Disneyland opening moved to first half of 2016 -WSJ【中文标题】上海迪士尼乐园推迟至明年上半年开放【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/03/walt-disney-disneyland-launch-idUSL4N0VD19520150203
Walt Disney Co's theme park in Shanghai, which was previously slated to open at the end of the year, has been pushed to the first half of 2016, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people close to the project.   据《华尔街日报》援引业内人士的话报道,原计划今年底开业的上海迪士尼乐园将推迟至明年上半年开业。
The media company has not specified a particular launch date for the $5.5 billion theme park in China's largest city by population, the WSJ said. 但迪士尼公司并没有公布这个价值55亿的上海迪士尼公园的具体开园日期。
Shanghai's mayor had said last week that basic construction should be completed in 2015, while Chief Executive Officer Robert Iger had also affirmed in April that the park would open in 2015, the WSJ added.《华尔街日报》还提到,上海市长上周称2015年内园内基础设施建设工作完成,而且迪士尼执行总裁Robert Iger去年3月也称上海迪士尼乐园将于今年开业。
Beijing will start on the construction of a Universal Studios theme park this year, which will be open to the public in 2019, the China Daily newspaper said. 据《中国日报》报道,北京今年将建设环球影城主题乐园,并将于2019年开园。
Neither Walt Disney's spokeswoman nor Shanghai Disney were immediately available to comment on the report.目前迪士尼公司发言人和上海迪士尼相关负责人都没对报道作出回应。
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