独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-3 22:06

【路透社 20150203】中国网民数达6. 49亿 86%为手机用户

本帖最后由 独秀文译青年 于 2015-2-3 22:08 编辑

【原文标题】China’s internet population hits 649 million, 86 pct on phones【中文标题】中国网民数达6. 49亿86%为手机用户【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/chinas-internet-population-hits-649-114558557.html;_ylt=AwrSyCOcwtBUgmcAbhHQtDMD


China had 649 million internet users by the end of 2014, with 557 million of those using handsets to go online, said a government report on Tuesday, as the world's biggest smartphone market continues its shift to mobile.据政府报告显示,截至2014年底中国互联网用户达到6. 49亿人,其中5.57亿人为手机网民。中国作为世界上最大的智能手机市场,其互联网使用载体将继续向移动终端转移。
While growth is slowing, China's total internet population still rose by 31 million in 2014, said the report by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).中国互联网络信息中心称,尽管中国网民数量增速放缓,但2014年中国网民数量还是增加了3100万人。
Growth in mobile internet users was faster, at 57 million.2014年手机网民比2013年增长了5700万人。
Riding this wave are some of China's, and the world's, biggest technology companies. These include e-commerce groups Alibaba and JD.com Inc, social networking and video games firm Tencent Holdings Ltd, search giant Baidu Inc and smartphone maker Xiaomi Inc .阿里巴巴、京东,腾讯、百度和小米都是中国的世界级科技公司,它们正式这个趋势的推动者。
For these companies a huge part of China's potential remains untapped, much of it in smaller cities and rural areas. The country's internet penetration rate is 47.9 percent and rural users only account for just over a quarter of China's total, said the CNNIC. By comparison, in the United States 74.4 percent of households reported internet use in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau.对于这些公司来说,中国还有许多潜能未被开发,尤其是在小城市和农村地区。据中国互联网络信息中心称,中国的网络普及率是47.9%,其中农村用户仅占1/4。相比较而言,美国人口调查局的数据显示,2013年美国家庭网络普及率为74.4%。
In good news for Alibaba and JD.com people shopping online increased by 20 percent in the year to the end of 2014. Users of online payment services, operated by Alibaba and Tencent, increased by 17 percent. Instant messaging, which is dominated by Tencent's WeChat and QQ, saw users increase by 10 percent.2014年网购人数增长了20%,这对阿里巴巴和京东这样的电子商务公司来说是利好消息。阿里巴巴和腾讯网络支付用户上升了17%。被微信和QQ主宰的即时通讯工具用户数量也提高了10%。
However, microblog use, a market dominated in China by Weibo Corp, was down 11 percent. Last year, CNNIC reported a 9 percent decline in users, triggering a sell-off in shares of the then-unlisted company's parent, Sina Corp.但是微博的使用量下降了11%。中国互联网络信息曾在去年发布数据称微博用户数量减少了9%,当时还未上市的新浪股价应声下跌。
But smartphone sales are flagging. Shipments in China were 389 million phones in 2014, down from 423 million the previous year, according to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.同样智能手机销量也在下滑。据中国工信部数据显示,2014年中国国内智能手机出货达3.89亿台,比2013年的4.23亿台有所下滑。
Foreign internet companies have also been denied an opportunity to compete in China. Some of the world's biggest online services, like those run by Google Inc, Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc have been severely disrupted or simply blocked.外国网络公司也无法在中国参与竞争。像谷歌、脸书和推特等一些大型国际网络公司的网络服务在中国被严重干扰或者干脆就被屏蔽。
Nevertheless, domestic tech firms have weathered regulatory scrutiny and the onus of self-censorship to account for more than $600 billion in total share market values.尽管如此,中国国内的科技公司经在受住了审查制度考验的同时股票市场价值加起来一共超过了6000亿美元。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-2-3 22:59

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