独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-4 15:39

【路透社 20150204】中国:挪威驱逐中国学者出境不合理

【原文标题】China rebukes Norway for expelling scholar【中文标题】中国:挪威驱逐中国学者出境不合理【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-rebukes-norway-expelling-scholar-state-media-022125183.html
China has rebuked Norway for "violating the rights" of a Chinese scholar who was expelled from the country, state media said, in the latest friction that could strain ties already tense over a Nobel Peace Prize for a Chinese dissident.据中国国家媒体报道,中国指责挪威驱逐一位中国学者离境的行为,称此举“破坏了当事人的权利”。这将令刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖之后中国与挪威的紧张关系再次升级。
Norwegian police had ordered the Chinese doctorate student working at the University of Agder to leave Norway before Jan. 23, state news agency Xinhua said late on Tuesday.据新华社报道,挪威警方勒令在阿哥德大学从事风电项目研究两年时间的中国博士生在1月23日之前离境。
Ma Qiang, a political counselor at the Chinese embassy in Norway, raised the issue with Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, Xinhua said.中国驻挪威大使馆政府参赞马强本周二前往挪威外交部进行交涉。
He was quoted as saying that China was highly concerned about the issue and believed the action by Norwegian police against the student, who had been working on a wind-power project at the university for two years, was "totally baseless and unreasonable".他称中国高度关注此事,认为挪威警方的做法没有根据也没有道理。
Xinhua cited Norwegian broadcasting company NRK as saying that Norwegian authorities made the decision out of fear the student's expertise could be used "for military purposes in other countries".新华社援引挪威广播公司的报道称,挪威政府这样做是担心该名学生的研究成果和专业技术可能会被他国用于军事目的。
"It is an infringement of the scholar's rights, which has a damaging effect on Norway's reputation and image in the international academic world and a negative impact on bilateral ties between China and Norway," Ma was quoted as saying.马强称:“此举剥夺了当事人的权利,会破坏挪威的名声和形象,还会对中国和挪威的双边关系产生不良影响。”
Norway's diplomatic relations with China have been frozen since 2010 when the Nobel Committee awarded the peace prize to dissident Liu Xiaobo, who is serving an 11-year jail sentence in China on subversion charges.China canceled meetings with Norwegian officials and denied visas to visiting dignitaries, even though Norway's government says it has no influence over the Nobel Committee.自2010年诺贝尔和平奖授予中国异见人士刘晓波后,挪威和中国的外交关系降到冰点。刘晓波以颠覆国家罪被判11年监禁。虽然挪威政府称无权干涉诺贝尔委员会的决定,中国还是取消了与挪威政府官员的会议,挪威国家政要申请中国签证也被拒绝。
Last year, China said it approved of a decision by Norway's prime minister and foreign minister not to meet exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama - another Nobel laureate - when he visited Norway.2014年,因中国政府施压,挪威政府拒绝接见另一位诺贝尔和平奖获得者——达赖喇嘛。

yaozh555 发表于 2015-2-4 16:18


hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-2-4 16:23

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